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Pantheon Build Guide by Skypixel

Pantheon Jungle owns in S6

Pantheon Jungle owns in S6

Updated on December 10, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skypixel Build Guide By Skypixel 7,077 Views 0 Comments
7,077 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Skypixel Pantheon Build Guide By Skypixel Updated on December 10, 2015
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Pantheon is a fairly moldable champion you can build him damage or tank with the option to jungle amazingly or play top in this guide I'll be showing you how to jungle Pantheon in Season 6!
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Creeping / Jungling

For Pantheon jungle you should start off at red buff with a leash then move onto raptors then blue buff taking river sentinels if you need extra health then if needed gank a couple of times then get back to clearing the rest of the jungle or counter jungling the enemy (remember to take the buff from them and leave the smaller monsters to delay the respawn times) then at level 6 you can start ganking a lot more with your ultimate making you a lot more successful.
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Team Work

use team work to gank the enemy by getting them to lure out the enemy then ult in and stun to finish them off and remember to ask for help with dragon or a leash at the start if you dont feel comfortable soloing :)
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Pantheon is still a great jungler and I'm putting this up because I havent seen any patheon junglers for S6.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skypixel
Skypixel Pantheon Guide
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Pantheon Jungle owns in S6

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