She is ranged with great kiting, and is a fast tank killer.
However, easy to punish with help from the jungler as she cannot tumble on Singed W.
A ranged top laner with great early damage and mobility. Often takes ignite in lane too.
Jungler assistance can really help the lane, but Akshan E can make escaping from ganks easy.
Singed has no range or quick movement so will need to run in to Heimer turrets to engage. Hence taking a lot of damage and making dueling impossible.
Proxy this lane whenever possible as you will also be avoiding his turrets when doing so.
A good Kayle is a hard lane to beat. The champion has a slow, can give herself movespeed, range, and scales super hard.
The only chance to get kills on her is before level 11 if she overextends and you are able to playa round lethal tempo stacks.
Famously hard lane for Singed, but much more playable than a ranged lane.
Darius has strong early laning with a high % slow on his W. For unfamiliar players, I would suggest taking phase rush, and rushing swiftness boots. Focus on farming, proxying whenever possible. You will be stronger in teamfights.
Famously hard lane for Singed, but much more playable than a ranged lane.
Olaf has strong early laning with a high % slow on his Q. For unfamiliar players, I would suggest taking phase rush, and rushing swiftness boots. Focus on farming, proxying whenever possible. You will be stronger in teamfights.
Weird matchup, because you win all 1v1's before level 6, but a good Nasus won't be fighting until after then.
Another matchup where I would recommend phase rush, as Nasus wither can be frustratingly strong.
This matchup is very skill dependant. Camille winning trades depends on her landing her E, and you playing poorly with flip.
If she builds Divine Sunderer, then winning trades becomes next to impossible. But plated steelcaps help reduce this on-hit damage as well as the true damage she does.
Dr. Mundo
Pretty passive matchup. Neither of you can really kill each other if played properly. Mundo passive can be really annoying for blocking your first fling, but your anti-heal on R works well against his ultimate.
A hard lane for Singed as she deals a lot of true damage and has great sustain.
Matchup is winnable if you are able to play smart, but depends entirely on if they are able to parry your fling or not.
Gnar has range, jump for disengage, and a consistent slow. Hence making a good Gnar player pretty untouchable.
He can't jump on your W though, so can be killable if you are able to catch him in mini-form.
A champion with CC on nearly every ability. A smart Gragas will kite you well and make it so you struggle to move. Make sure and rush mercury treads, and if you are having trouble dueling then focus on proxying.
Illaoi is inherently a matchup that depends entirely on her landing her E in lane. If you dodge the E, you should be able to win trades.
Once she has 2 items though, dueling becomes next to impossible as she has Black Cleaver and good sustain.
High elo Jayce lane is unplayable, but otherwise matchup is okay. Jayce has a lot of range and poke, but a good W to engage and you will win fights with your ultimate.
Kennen has great range and your W does not stop his E move speed so can be very hard to catch.
If you can get on top of Kennen, you will win trades! But that is the hard part.
Rush mercury treads.
Early damage is not too high, but is still a ranged champion with a point and click slow/root. Easiest way to play this lane is proxy and deal with the late game Ryze as a team.
On paper, doesn't sound like a horrific matchup for Singed. But if stuck in a Yorick cage, you can expect to lose all your HP. Singed becomes immobile and also has a super slow attack speed. Meaning you are a sitting duck for 2 seconds while Yorick slaps you.
Skill related matchup. Aatrox skillshots can be fairly easy to play around, and rushing swiftness boots can make this matchup much easier.
Your R anti-heal also is great for reducing his increased healing.
Akali has a strong early game slow on her Q, which can make fighting in lane super hard. She has little mobility without her ultimate though, so it is an easy lane to proxy.
After level 6, she should have a hard time killing you if not ahead.
Cassiopeia out-damages you at almost all parts of the game.
The upside to this matchup is she has very little mobility, so it is an easy matchup to proxy and to gank if you work with your jungler.
Cho'gath is immobile and short ranged. Rush merc treads and demonic and focus on dodging Cho Q and kills will be easy.
Even lane. Garen shouldn't kill you and you shouldn't kill Garen.
His ultimate damage can be surprising and unless he misplays will be hard to kill.
Singed can 1v1 out damage Gwen at almost all points of the game. When she ults, flip her away and wait for her to use all the charges. Kite back and forth and you will win the trades.
Skill related matchup. Save your fling for after he jumps on you and he won't be able to retaliate much damage. Your W also stops him from jumping.
Once he gets Divine Sunderer, winning trades can be hard.
Pretty even lane. K'Sante early slows can be very frustrating, but his damage is usually quite predictable. Rush swiftness boots and proxy if you find him too annoying.
Kled should have a hard time dealing all his damage to you as he needs to chase and do auto-attacks.
Play smart with your fling. You should win all fights after level 6, as his ultimate is not great for 1v1 combat.
Mordekaiser is very immobile but can be a hard lane if he has rylais, as he is perma slowing you when you try and damage him.
Within his ult, you can easily avoid him with a goo fling.
Ornn is a tank who can have surprising damage. Although your W can stop him from dashing, and stop him from hitting his ultimate.
Make sure and rush demonic so you always have kill pressure on Ornn.
A high damage laner who can snowball pretty hard. Play smart pre level 6, because after this you should win most duels as his ult doesn't help in 1v1 combat.
Poppy slows can be frustrating and deal more damage than you expect. Play smart around her Q and she should have no kill pressure.
Once she gets Divine Sunderer, trades can be difficult to win.
Tryndamere is a low range champion who needs to chase with auto attacks. Rush swifty boots and rylais, and tryndamere can never touch you. Flip with poison and run away, rinse and repeat. He will be unable to get any damage on to you without chasing.
Sett has early kill pressure level 1, but once you have flip you can easily win all trades. Only fight when you have flip, and kite him out as he tries to return some damage. If you are fast, you can also flip him as he uses W, and dodge his high damage spell.
A strong early game champion but if you respect this, the matchup is very even.
He is easy to disengage off of you with fling, and you will win extended trades with ultimate.
Malphite needs armor to be effective, and Singed is AP, so that slows his scaling down a bit. But the matchup can still be super annoying with his Q slow.
Neither laner should be able to kill if played correctly.
Play smart around his Q damage, and kite away after flipping.
Your W can cancel his ultimate, as well as making it so he cannot taunt.
A low mobility tank. Dodge his Q CC wherever possible and you will win all extended trades.
Make sure and rush Demonic Embrace and you will always have kill pressure.
Sejuani has high CC, which can be annoying if you don't have enough tenacity. You should win all extended trades.
Tahm Kench
Low mobility tank but has very annoying slow on Q. Lane can be difficult, but you will be much more useful in team fights.
Rush swiftness boots and Demonic Embrace to have kill pressure.
Skill dependent matchup. Urgot level 1 is very strong when he takes E, but after this it is all about being smart and trying to dodge his E.
Late game, Urgot is pretty impossible to kill. But he can't E on your W, so you will always have potential to catch him out.
Auto-attacker with slow on Q. However, he requires to chase and attack to do damage. So if you play smart with your fling he should never be able to hurt you much.
I would rush swiftness boots and rylais. Or Demonic if you are ahead and want to maintain kill pressure.
Yasuo requires minions in lane to be effective. As a Singed, you will be killing minions by default when fighting/proxying.
Matchup can be hard late game as he will have so much damage, but up to level 11 you should be able to win every 1v1 with ult.
Zac damage and roams can be surprising, but you will every extended trade.
Rush Demonic Embrace to maintain kill pressure as he gets tankier.
Hard to win matchup once he gets Divine Sunderer. But before that, you can easily win trades.
You can also see him when invisible and he is damaged by your poison. And he cannot W or E on your W.
Vlad has low early game damage and low early game mobility, so your laning phase is pretty free.
He can be difficult to stop farming though as he can easily disengage and sustain.
Try and push under tower if you are struggling to kill, as he can have trouble last hitting and you will slowly get plates.
Ranged matchup with great poke. Very hard to lane against and often takes ignite.
If you are able to get on top of him post level 6, you should be able to kill. But Teemo shrooms slow can you easily kitable.
A Singed with a Yuumi... have fun!
Cassiopeia can use Singed poison for her E bonus damage!
Jarvan IV
Jarvan counters Singed both on the enemy team and on his own. Jarvan ult makes it impossible for Singed to get on to the target and if Singed is caught within, you are stuck in one spot!
A Singed with a Yuumi... have fun!
Cassiopeia can use Singed poison for her E bonus damage!
Jarvan IV
Jarvan counters Singed both on the enemy team and on his own. Jarvan ult makes it impossible for Singed to get on to the target and if Singed is caught within, you are stuck in one spot!
Im Hof, a Singed one-trick from Scotland who has peaked Grandmaster 675 LP in EUW. And at this time I was rank 3 Singed world!
I have around 3 million mastery points on Singed and have mained the champ for many seasons.
My playstyle often leads towards building full AP for maximum damage, and dueling wherever possible. Alongside this, it is all about creating space for your team, ganking and roaming, and messing with the enemy jungler.
For more info come say hi on my stream and I can answer any questions over at Twitch.
I also make educational (and fun!) Youtube content, so if you want to continue learning check out my videos over at Youtube.
So you've got the runes, masteries and summoner spells all sorted, but how do you actually go about playing Singed?
Singed has a completely unqiue playstyle and requires a mentality and skillset different from any other champion in League of Legends. Often as Singed, you will find yourself in scenarios or positions on the map which other champions would consider out of position or as inting, but for Singed it is the correct way to play.
As a result of this, this leads Singed to being a great champion for having an uncoventional playstyle and for messing with enemy players mentals - always making them question 'what is he doing?' and 'can I get him?'.
Let's go over some of the key points behind Singed gameplay and what makes him so unique.
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