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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Ravenous Flock (PASSIVE)
Swain Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Swain Mid and Top Guide
Swain is a powerful and versatile champion who excels at dealing sustained damage, controlling zones, and healing through fights. Below is a comprehensive guide for playing Swain effectively on the mid and top lanes.
# Why Swain?
Swain is a champion with flexibility and utility, capable of filling multiple roles depending on your team composition. Whether as a bruiser, control mage, or utility champion, Swain shines in drawn-out fights and scales excellently into the late game.
## Pros
+ Versatile and adaptable
+ Great scaling into late game
+ Excellent sustain and AoE damage
+ Strong in teamfights and extended skirmishes
## Cons
- Lacks mobility
- Weak early game compared to other lane opponents
- Dependent on hitting abilities to secure trades
- Can struggle against high-burst assassins
# Early Game Strategy
In the early game, Swain excels at poking and sustaining in lane:
- Use Q - Death's Hand

- Place E - Nevermove

- Avoid overextending without vision; Swain lacks mobility and is vulnerable to ganks in the early game.
- Focus on farming to hit your first power spike with key items.
# Mid Game Strategy
During the mid game, Swain transitions into a powerful teamfighter and roaming threat:
- Roam to help your jungler secure objectives or assist other lanes. Swain's utility and AoE damage shine in skirmishes.
- Group with your team to fight around objectives. Use R - Demonic Ascension

- Prioritize vision around key areas like Dragon and Rift Herald. Use W - Vision of Empire

# Late Game Strategy
In the late game, Swain becomes a teamfight monster:
- Position yourself in the middle of fights to maximize the healing and damage from R - Demonic Ascension

- Use E - Nevermove

- Peel for your carries by slowing and rooting enemies with Q - Death's Hand

- Swain excels in extended fights, so avoid diving too deep into the enemy backline without your team.
# Tips and Tricks
1. **Vision Control**: Use W - Vision of Empire

2. **Combo Execution**: Use **E - Nevermove** to root enemies, follow up with **Q - Death's Hand**, and finish with **W - Vision of Empire** for damage and zoning.
3. **Ultimate Usage**: Activate **R - Demonic Ascension** in the middle of a fight to heal and deal consistent AoE damage. It works best in crowded skirmishes and teamfights.
4. **Positioning**: Stay near your team in fights. Swain thrives when he has allies to follow up on his crowd control and damage.
Swain is a scaling champion who thrives in extended fights and teamfights. Master his abilities and positioning to dominate both mid and top lanes.
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