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Urgot Build Guide by officialshyvlnyvl

Top Platinum Sleeper HP/Lethality Urgot Build

Top Platinum Sleeper HP/Lethality Urgot Build

Updated on August 11, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author officialshyvlnyvl Build Guide By officialshyvlnyvl 9,352 Views 0 Comments
9,352 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author officialshyvlnyvl Urgot Build Guide By officialshyvlnyvl Updated on August 11, 2021
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Press the Attack
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

Platinum Sleeper HP/Lethality Urgot Build

By officialshyvlnyvl
Hello, welcome to my HP/LETHALITY build for Urgot.
My IGN name is Shyvlnyvl,
[*] I am an Urgot one trick
[*] I have 680k Mastery points on Urgot
[*] I am Platinum 3 in Soloq
Early game (1-6)
Depending on who you're laning against you are going to want to harass your opponent lvl 1 and 2. Make sure you do not miss out on your farm during this time, just harass them enough to where they can't farm. This will be easier if they are melee.

Once you hit lvl 3 and going forward you want to focus your attention on out farming your opponent. Don't engage a fight, play off your opponents mistakes when they try to go in for a farm or miss a ability.

Even at lvl 6 don't try to engage a fight. rushing Warmog's will cause your damage to be very low at this point in the game. On the flip side, you will have HP regeneration and extra HP to help you farm in peace without getting too low health from your opponent.
Mid game (7-12)
Continue to farm to finish Cull, once you hit lvl 9 E will be maxed and you should have enough gold to finish Warmog's and Giant's Belt. Have fun trolling your opponent, when they realize your back to full health after they just tried to murder you.
Continue to farm safely until 11-12.

By the time you hit lvl 12 you should enough for Titanic Hydra, and this is where the real fun starts.
You will instantly see a massive power spike after Titanic Hydra is completed because of it's scaling with HP from your Warmog's.
Late game(13-18)
Once you start building lethality from Prowless Claw, you will power spike again even more because of Titanic Hydra's bonus attack damage from bonus HP.
Once you finish Prowless Claw, your will shred just about anyone in seconds. The dash active from the Powless Claw will make catching people much easier especially if you have flash and E up.
If the game is still going after this point, choose wisely on whether to spit push or group up with your team. Try to continue to get gold to get your last core item being Black Cleaver.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author officialshyvlnyvl
officialshyvlnyvl Urgot Guide
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Platinum Sleeper HP/Lethality Urgot Build

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