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Poppy Build Guide by anony10

Poppy the HammerDwarf

Poppy the HammerDwarf

Updated on November 29, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author anony10 Build Guide By anony10 1,825 Views 0 Comments
1,825 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author anony10 Poppy Build Guide By anony10 Updated on November 29, 2011
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I love Poppy, cuz she do massive damage, so you can build her mainly AD.Please try the build out, and read all, before you judge the build, and/or me.Im sorry for my bad english.So, i'll hope you enjoy it!
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Pros / Cons


-Tower dive
-Unstoppable if fed
-Massive damage
-Big movement speed,with Paragon of Demacia
-Difficult to kill
-Spammapble 1k+ hits


-Terrible farmer
-Vulnerable to cc
-Not very powerful early
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Summoner Spells

Best Choices

OR insted of flash you can have

I take flash for all champions, but you can have ghost instead of it.


NEVER, i say again, NEVER take from the others!
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These are the MOST important items.You can change your 6. item.If in the enemy team are lots of APs, then you need to buy Banshee's Veil. If there are ADs, then buy Thornmail . If 2ad, 3ap, or 3ap, 2ad then buy Guardian Angel

Start off by this item.This give you a little boots, after all spells, cheap, and give you some mana, and some ap, too.This is your FIRST item.

This is the best of all shoes for you.It gives attack speed.I think i dont need to speak more of this item.

Without question, you need to build this item first.Gives a little bit of all, what you need.Give you movement speed, and uncludes Sheen-s passive.

Nice boost for lifesteal, and for attack damage too.You can stack it, with killing monsters/players.

This is important item, i think. You do more bigger crits, and adds a lot of AD, and crit chance.

This is help you out for dishing out a lot of damage.It has armor reduc, and have B.F Sword.Nice.
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Focus first on offense.You need to be a carry, so get kills for your team.Grab buffs as often as possible!
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Greater Mark of Desolation
The arpen is the most important rune of all.Cuz if you AD, you need arp, for breaking all of the armor of the enemies!The cdr is important, too, cuz it makes your Q low CD.From AS runes you got some as, cuz in this build you dont buy a lot of as, so you need some from runes.
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Thank you, for reading my guide!If you enjoyed it, then try it out! ;)
Im sorry for my bad english again, i'll hope you could understand me.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author anony10
anony10 Poppy Guide
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Poppy the HammerDwarf

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