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Bard Build Guide by SawyerTHEBEST

Support [Pre-Season] 7 Bard Build Guide

Support [Pre-Season] 7 Bard Build Guide

Updated on February 3, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SawyerTHEBEST Build Guide By SawyerTHEBEST 80,197 Views 1 Comments
80,197 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SawyerTHEBEST Bard Build Guide By SawyerTHEBEST Updated on February 3, 2017
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00 Hi, my name is Sawyer I am 21 and looking to play League of Legends at the Highest Level Possible, I'm INTJ personality type and have peaked Challenger 549LP [1] and have been playing League of Legends since the end of Season 3. V i d e o g a m e r, Human. Here's some places you can find me!

If this Guide helps you at all, I really appreciate any help I can get right now, I am 21, come from a family with not much money, and trying to get enough to travel & Practice in Korea to become the best North American Player anyone has ever seen, Ever. Thanks!

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Press the Attack
Phase Rush


+ I put Attack Damage marks listed above since most people looking up this guide just want to quickly know what they should run, and for the noob Bard because they will most likely over chase things are auto attack unessasarly all the time.

Greater Mark of Attack Damage aren't bad, but no always required.

Your only other good options for Marks is +9x Greater Mark of Armor


+9x Greater Seal of Health
For most your matches you won't be running veterain scars, and you have the option to run more Armor if you want in Marks or Quints.


+9x Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction
This + Greater Quintessence of Cooldown Reduction will give us +10 Cooldown Reduction for Free! You life as Bard is Spamming Cosmic Binding and Tempered Fate, and the build path you will see doesn't give you much CDR early so this is very crucial to run!


+1x Greater Quintessence of Magic Resist You don't any Magic Resist very early anymore with the change to Locket of the Iron Solari,and most bot lane matchups will deal some magic damage so you get some value, if you have enough rune pages you can have the one Quint changes across them for when you are in the specific AP matchups that you would want to run it in.
+1x Greater Quintessence of Cooldown Reduction
Look at Glyphs Above!
+1x Greater Quintessence of Armor
You are in a Duo lane, you will be taking AD Damage from 2 Champion, Minions, and possibly a tower! So Armor helps with that, can run 2 Armor quints replacing Greater Quintessence of Magic Resist.

Like I said the main rune page for this Guide is for the player looking for that quick fix, if you are looking to go a little deeper with Bard -

Other good Rune Setups:


Press the Attack
Phase Rush
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Reason for Picking:



  • Wanderer - You walk around A LOT on Bard, and mostly you get no value out of Savagery.
  • Secret Stash - Only good option for support on this row as well, you start 3 Health Potions so you get 45 Health and Mana for free.
  • Meditation - 1.5% Mana Regin is nice since your Flat Mana Pool is pretty high, in combination with Meep's Mana sustain is really good.
  • Bandit - Free Money, and paid for poking works really well with Meep Auto Cooldown
  • Intelligence - Free 5% CDR Level 1 is so much value.
  • Thunderlord's Decree - 1 Cosmic Binding + Meep Auto Attack Procs Thunderlord's so easily, and your burst stays relevant throughout the entire game with Meeps and Ignite.


Why Not?

Greenfather's Gift ?, not a bad option, if you get enough gold value either by making the enemy ADC losing CS because of the damage you did to them with it, or getting a kill in lane because of poke damage it added, it also helps with Gank damage if you want to play around that.

Why not Veteran's Scars + Insight , the general Bard playstyle doesn't get much value out of a little more extra health, and if you aren't running Exhaust having reduced summoner spells doesn't matter to much, unless you are playing 100% for the 2v2.

Why not Windspeaker's Blessing ? You only have 1 heal so without Redemption or Locket of the Iron Solari you only give the extra healing and free stats to 1 target, not as valuable as the pressure and damage you give up by not taking Thunderlord's Decree
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SawyerTHEBEST
SawyerTHEBEST Bard Guide
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[Pre-Season] 7 Bard Build Guide

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