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Sejuani Build Guide by Arrakis86

AP Offtank Preseason 5 SEJUANI JUNGLE BEAST!

AP Offtank Preseason 5 SEJUANI JUNGLE BEAST!

Updated on December 15, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Arrakis86 Build Guide By Arrakis86 4,085 Views 0 Comments
4,085 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Arrakis86 Sejuani Build Guide By Arrakis86 Updated on December 15, 2014
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jungle start!

Start at Gromp, smite it right away. then do blue. Run to Red, use both pots. smite should be back off cooldown. You're Hp should be low enough that you need to recall.

Get 1st jungle item. and go back out to clear which ever jungle camps u want. Fake ganking lanes to scare off enemyies to help your teammates farm. go back into the jungle and farm hard until level 6. Recall and heal once you hit 6. finish jungle item and start ganking with the ult.

The idea of this build is HP and Magic Pen. Your W does so much damage when you have enough magic pen to cut through any squishy. and you have enough CC and HP to stick to just about anyone else, as your teammates finish them off. BUy WARDS as often as you can. When in doubt, or when behind, always buy more HP and wards. worry about the magic pen when you have gold to burn.

early game is a little slow, and you have to recall often to stay safe, but once you hit mid game you will be a force to be reckoned with. you will end up tanking the most damage, and doing close to the most damage to champ on the team. only if you are very fed should you ever give Your Blue buff to anyone. she needs it!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Arrakis86
Arrakis86 Sejuani Guide
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