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Choose Champion Build:
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Goes Where He Pleases (PASSIVE)
Dr. Mundo Passive Ability
The Runes is where this build i think could get some flack but i think its perfect synergy for cinderhulk. Flat armor red and flat mr blues makes the early game more bearable until you hit your first 2 items after cinderhulk. and the %hp from cinderhulk this and masteries will have you hitting 4.5k hp before you start your last item
regular relic 3 start im not a fan of refil potion at all i think its just a trap item on support. trackers cinder makes you very tanky and gives you the wards for laning and the damage isnt bad too with your w. I like omen first because adc's have become a big problem and usually their first 3 items are crit so its very effective. cdr boots cause why not, it helps with about everything right now and very cost effective. visage for regular mundo item. you finish face here cause you should have about 4.3-4.4k hp after targons and finishing it gives you a huge shield. Last item can either be Thornmail or warmogs.
you can start a camp with your adc safely or you can steal your opponents first camp. laning you should smite cannons to proc targons to deny their adc harass on you. do a side camp when you can with your adc. he can easily roam to ger rift herald or dragon easily with the 2nd smite.
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