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Azir Build Guide by singady

Push like hell

Push like hell

Updated on February 9, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author singady Build Guide By singady 3,257 Views 0 Comments
3,257 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author singady Azir Build Guide By singady Updated on February 9, 2015
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You will not have good k/d with this build....

This is meant for one thing and one thing only, getting to the enemy's base. This does horrible when fighting other champions but will DESTROY turrets. It is best done in mid, but with a high damage or tanky champion with you. For the most part you'll want to be avoiding team fight, unless you can stay a large distance away.

One of the most devastating things to do is done with the Zz'rot portal. The minions that spawn may be weaker than lane minions but they deal a large amount of damage to turrets, but remember that turrets target these first(above all else unless you attack a champion) and they can't take many hits. The ohmwrecker allows you to extend your push past what it would have been normally and getting in extra damage from the portal.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author singady
singady Azir Guide
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