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She not only does a lot of damage but tristana is hard to engage but also escape because of her jump,best solution is to wait for a gank or you are way ahead of her otherwise farm.
Kaisa is a mixture of major and extreme threat,the fact that she has a shield-dash-invisibility makes playing against her really hard to land a hook or ult so its suggested to use prowler against her.
She does quiet a lot of damage but the only thing that makes it hard to lane against her is the mana shield she has.
Probably the second most annoying laner,every single ability of ashe slows and if her ult manages to hit you its really hard to escape even with your E.
Cait isnt something to really worry about but you should keep her in mind,even if she has only one escape she still does damage,a stun and a no hook Q should lower her enough since she doesnt have a lot of health.
Senna is more annoying than a threat,you only have to worry about her root and you are fine.
No,just no.
She may not be an extreme threat because you have to deal with 1 person on the lane but once she gets enough mana and an ult its really hard to kill her adc or escape because of the root she has.
I hate her,the shield the stun the 5 decade root everything,if morgana lands a Q you are probably dead either from the fight or from old age waiting for the root to end
Too many dashes and poles
Swain is a really good ADC for pyke,they both make an excellent combo with their roots and stuns + swain has the strongest lvl 6 among the ADCs
Jhin's W can make it easier for you to land a stun or a hook.
Both you and Draven can a lot of money from kills since both of you grant gold to either each other or yourselves + he does a lot of damage.
Trist is good for engaging and disengaging,although her ult may ruin yours if you have a duo its better
Ashe is excellent for fighting since her slows help you land your E and hooks but she doesn't have a lot of health making you vulnerable for engages
Swain is a really good ADC for pyke,they both make an excellent combo with their roots and stuns + swain has the strongest lvl 6 among the ADCs
Jhin's W can make it easier for you to land a stun or a hook.
Both you and Draven can a lot of money from kills since both of you grant gold to either each other or yourselves + he does a lot of damage.
Trist is good for engaging and disengaging,although her ult may ruin yours if you have a duo its better
Ashe is excellent for fighting since her slows help you land your E and hooks but she doesn't have a lot of health making you vulnerable for engages
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