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Pyke Build Guide by Shinigamih

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Support Pyke Sup.

Updated on May 7, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shinigamih Build Guide By Shinigamih 1,788 Views 0 Comments
1,788 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shinigamih Pyke Build Guide By Shinigamih Updated on May 7, 2022
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Runes: Normal

1 2 3
Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Pyke Sup.

By Shinigamih
Who are you?
I am an Main Pyke who wants to share this some tips and items.

2. Pros / Cons

Pros – What are the benefits of playing this champion?
U can get early pressure to your laner, u can burst and give utillaty to your team,and some extra gold.
Cons – What are the drawbacks of playing this champion?
U are a bit weak,its an assasin, if your enemy have stronger early u will be very uselles until lanefase ends.

3. Team Composition (Synergies / Counters)
for other lanes just champs with CC or Tanks.
    Tanks and hard CC champs.

4. Runes

Which runes do you usually take? (cheatsheet build)
Hail of Blades,Aftershock or predator
Why do you take these runes?
They are the best runes , pyke really dont need to many runes to be good, so try evolve the machanic then chose the runes u are more confortable antil then use hail of blades or afthershock if u need to be more tankier.

5. Summoner Spells

What are your main choices of summoner spells? (cheatsheet build)
Ignite/Flash(anty-heral and pressure)
Exhaust/flash(3 or more ***ains)
Ignite/gosht(only if u go predator and want to rotate alot)

6. Items

Which items should you start with?
Suport(AD) item adn wards/oracle is the only options.
Which items should you focus on acquiring early in the game?
Rush Mythic and boots, its Your power spike
Which items are core and should be bought every game?
death dance

7. Lane Phase / Early Game

What lane does this champion go in?
Are there any items / consumables important to this phase of the game?
If it’s bot, which lane partners are good / bad to go with?
If it’s jungle, which laners are good / bad for your ganks?
What is your strategy for this phase of the game?
Do you stay safe and farm? Are you aggressive? Etc.
What should you pay attention to on the map?
What CS should you aim for?

8. Mid Game / Team Fighting

When should you leave your lane / group?
At 20/25 min or bot tower is destroyed.
When do you start team fighting?
Only on Obletives or some target is out of position.
How should you position for team fights? (Be in the back line, front line)
Front line to Push with your Q and E, Stund and run, to proc The passive then come back again to help on rest of the team fight.

9. Late Game

Where should you be? (Don’t be out of position!)
on Back line poking and try not to died just for Use your R.
What is your strategy for team fights? (Is it different?)
Try to stay alive and do what i can to pock and use my R.
What objectives should you secure? (Baron, inhibitors, etc)
Prioratize dragons and otheres is situacional

10. Conclusion

Tanks for reading, and i hope u like and can get better!
Good Luck!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shinigamih
Shinigamih Pyke Guide
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