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This is Pykes hardest matchup. Alistars strength over Pyke is his quick engage on the ADC, while Pykes reactive CC is relatively slow. Vs Alistar you never want to stack near your carry, which is normally your best location for quick peel. Alistar combo will CC you both and you will potentially both die if you stand close. Position away from Alistar try to bait his combos on yourself when his AD is out of range for follow up, to provide a safe laning experience for your carry. You CAN look for trades on Alistar, as long as you are not pulling him into combo range of your carry with enemy carry in range to follow up on your carry.
Morgana's Q is a very long root duration. In order to beat Morgana, there are 2 cooldowns of hers you need to play around and that's specifically her E (Black Shield, this ability will negate all CC until the shield is broken or wears off), and her Q - but if you ever find her without E and Q, go ham because she is extremely squishy pre 6. Abuse long E cooldown (26s).
Extremely high CC champ. Thresh hook is a very strong CC ability and thresh E(flay) is directly Cc that will interrupt. Be careful using your E while near him and his is available to use. Thresh lantern is a big safety for his carry as well. Try to abuse his carry if his lantern is on cooldown.
Brand is slightly trickier than Bard to play against. Engaging on Brand with your E allows him to know exactly where you are going to be to land his own combo. This lane Brand is an equal threat to the carry potentially more damage coming from Brand in most points in the game. Brands weakness early is he is relatively squishy.
This is mostly a skill matchup to avoid his W engage. If he ever looks to W engage onto you, use your E backwards and then hook him towards your carry. If he engages on your carry you must counter CC enemy carry to avoid death. Lately i've seen a lot of Rakans using Guardian. Try to break Guardian and punish during its cooldown. Avoid skirmishing with this champ at level 6 if his carry is near you can get 1 shot during the CC duration.
Kai'sa has a decent ability to push the wave with Pyke opening up more room to land hooks. She has some built in self peel with her E and her R and she has a lot of burst damage between her q passive and W combo to follow up on your plays. And landing any form of hard CC with her in range will allow her to follow up directly with R to engage on enemy carries.
This is probably the best ADC pairing with Pyke in the game. I believe Lucian is currently a very strong adc, has self peel rushes BotRK for extra peel/cc and does an amazing amount of burst damage following up on any engage.
Jhin can create a decent zone to protect himself with his E and W. Jhin brings aoe clear and Cc to this lane which is great for setting up kills. Also Jhins passive combined with Fleet Footwork gives him a ton of movespeed for running away from fights if necessary, he is by far the fastest immobile carry with great scaling.
As long as Xayah has feathers on the ground she has self peel, however this isn't all the time. Great pushing power but downtime on her self peel pre6. Post 6 she is great with Pyke for setting up plays and baiting the enemy into her R. Lots of hook opportunities into her follow up CC with E. Strong lane.
Draven has great damage for a kill lane. Draven has a form of self peel with his E but overall is immobile. Really great setups for getting kills with this champ because he always wants to push to stack axes created space for Pyke to get hooks.
Miss Fortune
Im rating MF as okay because of her level 6. She has great followup damage at 6 and is relatively weak pre6. Her self peel is limited but she is a fast running champion when not being attacked by enemy champs so she can usually avoid engagements. Good ulti synergies for burst damage after engaging with q and e.
Pre 6 Varus has limited self peel but at level 6 Varus ult is strong peel and great setup for Pyke hook or stun. Be careful early game with Varus but abuse the enemy at level 6+.
Kai'sa has a decent ability to push the wave with Pyke opening up more room to land hooks. She has some built in self peel with her E and her R and she has a lot of burst damage between her q passive and W combo to follow up on your plays. And landing any form of hard CC with her in range will allow her to follow up directly with R to engage on enemy carries.
This is probably the best ADC pairing with Pyke in the game. I believe Lucian is currently a very strong adc, has self peel rushes BotRK for extra peel/cc and does an amazing amount of burst damage following up on any engage.
Jhin can create a decent zone to protect himself with his E and W. Jhin brings aoe clear and Cc to this lane which is great for setting up kills. Also Jhins passive combined with Fleet Footwork gives him a ton of movespeed for running away from fights if necessary, he is by far the fastest immobile carry with great scaling.
As long as Xayah has feathers on the ground she has self peel, however this isn't all the time. Great pushing power but downtime on her self peel pre6. Post 6 she is great with Pyke for setting up plays and baiting the enemy into her R. Lots of hook opportunities into her follow up CC with E. Strong lane.
Draven has great damage for a kill lane. Draven has a form of self peel with his E but overall is immobile. Really great setups for getting kills with this champ because he always wants to push to stack axes created space for Pyke to get hooks.
Miss Fortune
Im rating MF as okay because of her level 6. She has great followup damage at 6 and is relatively weak pre6. Her self peel is limited but she is a fast running champion when not being attacked by enemy champs so she can usually avoid engagements. Good ulti synergies for burst damage after engaging with q and e.
Pre 6 Varus has limited self peel but at level 6 Varus ult is strong peel and great setup for Pyke hook or stun. Be careful early game with Varus but abuse the enemy at level 6+.
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