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Quinn Build Guide by orestescm

AD Carry Quinn's falcon

AD Carry Quinn's falcon

Updated on April 14, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author orestescm Build Guide By orestescm 2,318 Views 0 Comments
2,318 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author orestescm Quinn Build Guide By orestescm Updated on April 14, 2014
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Who am I?

I'm a Spanish boy thay has been playing League of Legends during the past 2 months.
You can think "dis guide sux". You are right xD
I'm level 17 so expect some nonsense content.
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Pros / Cons

1-She can be deadly if she gets feeded a little.
2-She can blind and that's bad.
3-She has a very simple combo:
Spoiler: Click to view

Spoiler: Click to view

4-She has a very badass ultimate (to scape and to do a fast kill)
5-She can takedown an ADC of 2 hits
6-The probabilities of Quinn vs Quinn are minimal
7- Heightened Senses is very useful

1-Very short range (525)
2-She is SLOW
3- Vault can troll you
4-She is useless in teamfights, but if you know how to use it you can do a PENTAKILL :D
5- Blinding Assault can not pass minions, and that's bad
6-If you fail Vault bye bye Quinn
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I'ts simple to farm with this girl. She hurts enough at early thanks to Harrier but you should do the last hit to minions
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Here I will some of your questions:
1- Why first Bloodthirster and no the Statikk Shiv?
Because you will need to take damage fast and heal without potions.
2- Guardian Angel?
Yes. It is a useful item. Quinn can scape with Vault and she has a little armor.
3- Runaan's Hurricane?!
If you fight against tanks like Shyvana, Nasus, or Garen you will need it
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Team Work

Of all the games I've played I think that Quinn can go with another ADC Jinx Ashe or a good support Blitzcrank Soraka But if you go like Rekkles, you can go alone xD
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I love Quinn even though her range (525) and i do some good games:You can say that this guide sucks. You are right, I'm level 17 and I am Spanish, so I've tried to translate the most of it.
Hope you have enjoyed this guide.
Link to the original (spanish) Original guide
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League of Legends Build Guide Author orestescm
orestescm Quinn Guide
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Quinn's falcon

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