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Rakan Build Guide by MetamPhetamine

Middle Rakan-adab Mid, the meta is a lie

Middle Rakan-adab Mid, the meta is a lie

Updated on November 5, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MetamPhetamine Build Guide By MetamPhetamine 2,004 Views 0 Comments
2,004 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MetamPhetamine Rakan Build Guide By MetamPhetamine Updated on November 5, 2018
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Why Rakan Mid?

Many people underestimate Rakan mid as he is unconventional and not meta. However, Rakan's base damage plus scaling, coupled with items that boost overall damage (such as protobelt) can assassinate squishy champions without them having the ability to retaliate. His Ult+W combo is really hard to dodge as they are charmed just from your presence. He is also really good at snowballing your own jungler as he acts as a roaming support the whole game.
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Rakan is one of the most mobile champions in the game. This makes him one of the safest laners as he can easily invade a majority of ganks. This also means he can quickly react to enemy or friendly ganks.

The first step to rakan is getting in range. If you are within a flash distance to hit your w, you can start Ult, run close to the enemy then w, q while they are in the air, then protobelt into them. Late game, this combo is enough to 0HK0 someone.

Other combos will all revolve around your teammates and their positioning, and your repositioning with E to move in and out of fights.
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Laning Phase

Focus on last hitting minions and avoiding taking damage. You can trade when your shield is up with Q + autos, which will help you win the majority of trades. Wait until level 6 to all in
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Wait until the enemy is as grouped as possible and all in them with a R+W hextech combo. If the enemy dies good, if not, e back towards your backline and use your Q to damage as well as heal the team. At full AP, Rakan will heal teammates for over 400 in AOE around him every 3 seconds. His shields will also help keep teammates alive through fights outside of your burst.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MetamPhetamine
MetamPhetamine Rakan Guide
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Rakan-adab Mid, the meta is a lie

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