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The thing with aatrox that makes him so deadly is the fact he can all in you with his passive up, so play safe till you get Rylai's or Zhonya.
this one is a little tricky, pre 6 she isn't that bad but after that she will wave clear , so the best option is to build banner or zz or both tbh. at this point your just a cc with your ult grenade.
ekko isn't really that hard with the new tank meta he is a drag but if you kite when he tries to engage he will take so much free damage so just focus on scaling rather than killing him
now Irelia is someone you need to watch , pre Trinity force you should be stomping the lane but after that she has an amazing gap close /stun and is hard to get away even if you flash so keep that in mind when your trying to lane against her play with that in mind and try to fight when shes at least half health or else you will lose
so yas is probably the worst of all, he can crush your turrets instantly with a dash the Q and also has a wind wall , so placing your turrets near your Main turret and farming there would be best again once you get zhonyas or Rylai you should be fine
now galio isnt that bad but he just scales off of magic resit so just keep that in mind. building zz and banner is good against a lane like this try not to fight him since he just heals from being attacked.
hes annoying but not unbeatable , keep your turrets spaced out , he will try to gap close stun slash then back out before you even do any damage so let your turrets do all the work keeping a safe distance and if he ever goes in he'll get chunked and you'll end up winning the lane
tryn to me isn't that hard build Rylais and the lane is free he can no longer just rush you , kiting him is easy shouldnt be a hard lane if you play safe till you get that item .
the reason gangplank is almost in the red is his late game he will outscale you with his barrels but before he gets his Trinity force and his Ie you should be able to abuse the laneing face so pressure the lane so his farm is at an all time low and you'll be able to snowball off of that.
naut i feel is the worst hes a scaling tank and even if he goes ap that makes him so squishy so just standing behind your turrets and using your skill shots to chunk him down makes him an easy champion to lane against
Akali is another pretty basic champ if you start with dark seal you can get one pot and a pink , set up turrets and put the pink in the middle bush and anytime she thinks she can just go invisible she'll end up dying taking huge amounts of harass
hec is annoying gap closer and his ult makes it almost imposible to get away from , build Zhonya and Morellonomicon for the cd to spam abilitys and to counter his ult with the passive of zhonyas
kalye is so easy to counter you know when her q is down then just walk up and harass her when its up you just walk away till its half way down then you go in and fight , pretty basic.
his early game is shot now so abusing him with harass early makes it hard for him to scale Liandry's Torment early gives you exactly what you need to shut him down
alright nas is possible the squishiest early but his late game is tough just build ryhalis and lisandrys and you should have a good time even late game
olaf is pretty easy just poke him out try and dodge his axes and you should be fine be carefull of his lvl 6 tho if you dont have zhonays play safe! or he will just pop it and rush you down since you cant cc him
trundle is a pretty good tank against hiem, build Morellonomicon to counter his passive healing and let your turrets cs and attack him, playing to agressive could put you in a bad position for his ult and pillar making it impossible to get away from him
rush Liandry's Torment since hes gonna be trying to scale for health so youll already be countering late game
his wave clear is ridiculous even for lvl 1 so what you wanna do is rush zz to keep him from pushing you into tower , after that you should be doing decent build Rylai to keep him at bay
she has a high amount of wave clear early, so try and build more of a cdr kind of build so you can constantly be throwing out rockets and grenades
poppy does so much damage throughout the whole game so try and at keep a safe distance and kite it out
pantheon passive cant block your skillshots or your turrets auto attacks , so basically he takes full damage from all your ability's just watch out for his drop at lvl6 since he'll just burst you down .
shen focus's on being really tanky and not really trying to kill you, so build zz to keep him busy protecting lane .
pretty basic he cant really fight you since he cant auto you without getting hrassed by your turret, tho he can use his stun then jump but if you time it right you can stun it right when he jumps on you and it counters him so hard so keep that in mind
she waits till lvl 6 to flash stun then combo into ult , just play at a safe distance once shes 6 and its a free lane.
Tahm Kench
he rarely goes top but if he does just focus on just harassing him with autos then putting your turrets behind you so he doesn't eat them, lane should be fine since hes slower than you
easiest way to beat him is anytime he sends ghost at you just walk into the bush to deagro yourself you basically take no damage if you keep doing that
singed is pretty basic, build zz into banner and your lane should be easy.
another annoying tank, not really a person you should be building damage to kill just sustain and some Rylai' to slow him down
Hello! I see you want to learn how to play Heimerdinger. I'm gonan go through the basics and hopefully with time and mastery of this champion you will achieve greatness! With this guide it's very situational, so I've given clear instructions to every match up I've faced in the top lane, as well as some of the meta picks. So you will increase your winrate if you are aware of the situation because no game is identical to any other!! Please take time to really enjoy Heimerdinger and everything he has to offer, and if you have any tips please feel free to leave a comment, or up vote or down vote. So good luck on the rift young summoners!
there are two types of runes that i will go through first rune page is a simple runes page with 3 quints of ability power 9 magic pen reds 9 armor and 9 magic resist this is your basic rune page in every situation this page will do exactly what you want.
the second page is my everyday every lane page. 3 ability power quints , 9 red magic pen , 9 yellow greater seal of scaling health , and 9 blue greater glyph of cool down reduction . note that this second page is for a skilled player who knows about range , lane advantage and disadvantage , so please be wary .
I've gone into detail about most top lane champions I have faced during this season . So take the time and look through green to red scale also take note that there are different builds that help you against different champions so be aware its not an automatic win but it will give you the best chance possible.
my games in diamond 5-4
my games in diamond 5-4
pros & cons
pros & cons
+ Strong Anti-Gank , 1v2 with heimer is common but try and wait till your 6 so you have an advatage.
+ Great split pusher / Zoning
+ Sustain with passive
- Generally Squishy, slow, and no escape
- Junglers will constaly try and gank you , so beware and play safe till 6
- when falling behind its hard to catch back up.
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