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Lulu Build Guide by FearMyFeed

Other Relic shield lulu top av vetle løfsgaard

Other Relic shield lulu top av vetle løfsgaard

Updated on January 28, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FearMyFeed Build Guide By FearMyFeed 4,282 Views 1 Comments
4,282 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FearMyFeed Lulu Build Guide By FearMyFeed Updated on January 28, 2017
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chaptur wan

Lulu top relic shield. a guide of Vetle Løfsgaard
Lulu top it with the highest win rate in s6 because you can share farm with jungle so that he will not have to steal sandwiches yours. The first core items you should have is face of the mountain after it buys you mana pots. So finisher you gamete because lulu top relic shield is opieop.
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Glitterlance → AA → back or AA → Glitterlance → back
Of the low-level is good only this . It is OK even if I replaced Help, Pix! To mana also becomes insufficient

Basic combo
Help, Pix! → Glitterlance → AA (Any) → back
I think that it may also not have to think maybe Well . OK even if I put on minion Help, Pix! Is

Chase Combo
Glitterlance → AA → Help, Pix! → Glitterlance → AA → back
It is against the Q again if I use in a few seconds time to 7 seconds , CD of Q is stuck is pix of E is because it is 6 seconds .

Capture Combo
Whimsy → Help, Pix! → Glitterlance → Exhaust
Just put a throw I make use of the mobility .

Eenemy Catch Combo
Whimsy → Glitterlance → → Help, Pix! → Glitterlance → Tower Atack
Valid such as when your opponent rushes in the tower under .

Initiate Combo
Whimsy → Flash → Wild Growth → Exhaust → Glitterlance → Help, Pix! → Glitterlance
You catch the people who are isolated using the skills of all .

Getaway Combo × ∞
Towards the back Glitterlance → own Whimsy → own Help, Pix! → Glitterlance
Run away myself to accelerate while with a slow anyway. I'll put the Whimsy If you want to help someone.

Please replace the Exhaust If you take a ignite.
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shrek is love shrek is life

Using the skills and timing of Halas basically any lane is the same.
As with other range Champion, and then attack to match the timing of the attack minion opponent has come to take the LH.
Normal attacks Lulu is enhanced attack power thanks to the Passive. It is good to be going to Halas more and more when I can do that
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dank strats

When you are in a 1v1 duel with anyone, start with your ULTIMATE. It will let you deal more damage (AP buff) with your skills AND more damage with your basic attack.
When ganking a lane, instead of going strait in, let your team know, and wait for the other team player/players push. Walk in casually, try to cut them off, and hit them with your Shatter, and hit them with Dazzle when you are CLOSEST to them as possible. Do not go through this hassle if the enemy is already very low.
Do not smartcast on Taric, you may and will end up Dazzling a minion, or healing only yourself.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FearMyFeed
FearMyFeed Lulu Guide
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Relic shield lulu top av vetle løfsgaard

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