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Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
A little info about me and my background in League: I have been playing League of Legends since season 1. I have been Platinum in season 4, Season 5, and I am Platinum now in season 6 (Yeah havent had to time to climb and get my Diamond) I have mained different kind of champions throughout my years like Rengar, Udyr, jarvan 4 and Darius (top). I have mained jungle since season 2 so I have quite some experience in there.
I've had a little bit of trouble with runes and this is what I've come up with.
- Marks: 9x Armor Pen, This helps with jungle clear since your Q is a physical dmg attack. And also do so you make more dmg on the enemy when ganking earlier on in the game. I've tried with flat AD too but I find this better since you dont really HAVE to deal the dmg.
- Seals: 9x Flat Armor, imo armor is just great for jungle in general. I like armor runes for the jungle and its just plain simple, you recieve less dmg in the jungle and makes you be able to clear easier.
- Glyphs: 3x Flat Magic Resist and 6x Flat CDR, this is where it gets a little more interesting. I've had some troubles with glyphs since there is a lot you can do with them (for example 9x scaling CDR, 9x flat Magic Resist and so on). I chose to go for 5% cdr so I can use my Q more often and use my E more often since it has a 12sec cooldown at level 1. Same for W it has a 20sec cooldown!.
Quints: 3x Flat AD, I was thinking about getting some MS in these like 1x rune of MS, but the E slow and the extra MS you get for that is more than enough! + I get the Phage later on which helps more. I ended up with flat AD since it's decent to have for more dmg on your Q and is just a great rune to have in your arsenal
- Marks: 9x Armor Pen, This helps with jungle clear since your Q is a physical dmg attack. And also do so you make more dmg on the enemy when ganking earlier on in the game. I've tried with flat AD too but I find this better since you dont really HAVE to deal the dmg.
- Seals: 9x Flat Armor, imo armor is just great for jungle in general. I like armor runes for the jungle and its just plain simple, you recieve less dmg in the jungle and makes you be able to clear easier.
- Glyphs: 3x Flat Magic Resist and 6x Flat CDR, this is where it gets a little more interesting. I've had some troubles with glyphs since there is a lot you can do with them (for example 9x scaling CDR, 9x flat Magic Resist and so on). I chose to go for 5% cdr so I can use my Q more often and use my E more often since it has a 12sec cooldown at level 1. Same for W it has a 20sec cooldown!.
Quints: 3x Flat AD, I was thinking about getting some MS in these like 1x rune of MS, but the E slow and the extra MS you get for that is more than enough! + I get the Phage later on which helps more. I ended up with flat AD since it's decent to have for more dmg on your Q and is just a great rune to have in your arsenal
I go for 6/6/18, and I do that because I can't see a reason for Oppressor since you dont get a lot of slows onto the enemy and it has a long cooldown and its only 2sec duration. And Dangerous Game could work but I will still be sure to have the extra ability dmg from Sorcery
- Ferocity: I get Sorcery and Feast, just to make my Q deal little more dmg and give a little more survivability
- Cunning: I get Savagery and Runic Affinity. Savagery is for better jungle clear and Runic Affinity just to have the
buffs a little longer. I dont see a reason to get Secret Stash on this tier since I havent had mana problems with him.
- Resolve: Now here is where Yorick is the master. More tanky and helps him a lot! Runic Armor gives him more healing from his Q and Strength of the Ages is just good on Yorick jungle, I would prefer this keystone over the 2 others in every scenario
I feel like these are the optimal masteries of what I've been playing with.
- Ferocity: I get Sorcery and Feast, just to make my Q deal little more dmg and give a little more survivability
- Cunning: I get Savagery and Runic Affinity. Savagery is for better jungle clear and Runic Affinity just to have the
buffs a little longer. I dont see a reason to get Secret Stash on this tier since I havent had mana problems with him.
- Resolve: Now here is where Yorick is the master. More tanky and helps him a lot! Runic Armor gives him more healing from his Q and Strength of the Ages is just good on Yorick jungle, I would prefer this keystone over the 2 others in every scenario
I feel like these are the optimal masteries of what I've been playing with.
I am working on the guide over some time, and will be looking into all the in-depth chapters here at the bottom and make them done one by one. I will keep updating the guide as often as possible :)
If you think this guide was helpful, please drop a like. If you disliked it more than liked it tell me what to be changed and I will look into it :)
If you think this guide was helpful, please drop a like. If you disliked it more than liked it tell me what to be changed and I will look into it :)
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