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Rumble Build Guide by Dan16b

AP Carry Rumble Guide 6.19

AP Carry Rumble Guide 6.19

Updated on September 29, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dan16b Build Guide By Dan16b 4,426 Views 0 Comments
4,426 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dan16b Rumble Build Guide By Dan16b Updated on September 29, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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I'm a Rumble main on NA that has recently hit 200k champion points with Rumble. I'm currently gold 4 and trying to hit platinum by the end of season 6. Rumble is my favorite champion in the game and he is an endless amount of fun when you learn rumble and can play him proficiently. Gyazo link...
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Build Path

I always start doran shield or cloth and 4 health pots depending on the match up. I tend to build Proto-belt on Rumble first then build, either ninja tabi, mercury treads, or sorc shoes depending on my match up in lane. Proto-belt, boots, Liandry's torment is the current meta build path for Rumble. Rylai's crystal scepter is no longer a meta item to build on Rumble but its more a situational item on Rumble now.
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here is my rune pages
Gyazo Link

gyazo Link
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For my masteries, I really enjoy using dft compared to thunderlords as some rumble players tend to use. Dft works well with the Rumble ult when enemies are really low under turret and you drop the ult on top of them and the dft finishes them off.Gyazo Link
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dan16b
Dan16b Rumble Guide
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Rumble Guide 6.19

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