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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Standart Path
Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Just ban. He can R you while you cast W on him and this will be a disaster.
Since you have the option to stun your opponents when they're single target, you're giving Kha'Zix a huge opportunity to snowball.
Since you have the option to stun your opponents when they're single target, you're giving Kha'Zix a huge opportunity to snowball.
Champion Build Guide
As we calculate, you will get nearly 1000 gold from first strike. Get 180 gold from base item, Get 700 gold from your passive(with 200 farm, on average.) 500 gold from chest rune. Also you will get a 600 gold from cashback rune(per 10k gold) And since rod of ages and and cannon are cheap items, you have the chance to get them at 12-13 minutes if you get a few kills and plates. No one in the game can buy these so early like Twisted Fate.
After this items, force your teammates to play aggressive because you will be holding all the map on your hand. Let them take the kills, dont be selfish and always consider mental situation of your teammates. You will scale anyways, let them trust you and evade mental breakdowns of them since its the major blockage to rank up nowadays(sadly).
When you have enough mana sustain, start hitting Q to minons when theyre still on a straight line. Start to push the lane as fast as you can and create a great space to roam and help your teammates. Its approximately 30 or 40 free seconds to wander around without losing any minions. Also if you push the minions fast, they dont have a chance to follow you through bot lane, giving them a hard time to pick minions or dealing with scaled you in a disadvantaged fight which they always gonna be late to it.
In mid or late game, theres a game changer move you can perform. Sometimes, fed snowballed enemies seek solo kills or do stupid moves in jungle. You can make a gamble R to try your chance if theyre alone which no one will expect such a move. If you find an overfed enemy alone, still play careful and let your teammates catch him there. There are so less better things than a 1000 gold when youre behind.
Don't forget, your E and W damages the tower. You can always seek 1-2 free towers with your R. And sometimes, you think your team is gonna lose%100, you might consider buying nashors tooth to split like an animal. You can finish the game in a blink of an eye with nashors tooth and lich bane. But this is too risky to play. Remember, this is when you think you have no chance to win otherwise.
Yes, youre weak on trades in early game but no matter what you will surpass most of the mages in late game. And since you will scale too early(full build in 25-30 min), you will be overfed no matter what and create hard times to your enemies.
Sometimes, mostly in high elo, people will notice what youre doing and will roam you in early game. Understand your situation and don't get angry about what's going on because putting pressure on you that much will cause an alternative loss to them. And even if they manage to cancel you in early game, you still have the opportunity to split and scale enough to be a part of teamfights.
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