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Ryze Build Guide by SUKTIM

Ryze, A Smurf On Steroids

Ryze, A Smurf On Steroids

Updated on March 25, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SUKTIM Build Guide By SUKTIM 1,838 Views 0 Comments
1,838 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SUKTIM Ryze Build Guide By SUKTIM Updated on March 25, 2013
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Welcome! I am SUKTIM. I am here to teach you how to master Ryze. Ryze is my main champion. Ryze is a late game champion. His early game isn't all that strong. Even if you counter your laning opponent, you should not play aggressive to them in the beginning. Ryze is one of those champions who are very easy to use but a little hard to master. The good thing about Ryze is that all his skills are lock-ons so there is no really need for aiming or such. Ryze can also be a very good asset to the team. Even though he was low mobility and short range, Ryze makes up for it with his damage. His burst is amazingly strong and can burst a squishy from full health to nothing if properly built.
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Early Game

In the Early Game, you are not strong at all so don't even think about going for first blood because most other champions could beat you. Just keep on farming up those minions and be patient for later. Make sure to get that Tear of Goddess and farm that up too because the faster you stack it, the more damage you'll be able to do.
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Mid Game

Ryze is pretty strong at this point in the game. His burst is okay but not to the point that it'll blow people up. You should still play it safe and build situational items and continue to stack your Tear of Goddess.
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Late Game

Okay so this is where the fun begins. By this time, you will have your Muramana. Turn that toggle on and start blowing people up. The thing i like about Ryze the most is that even if you do bad in the beginning, he always picks up because of his op items. Do your combos smartly, focus the right people and you can carry your team to victory.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SUKTIM
SUKTIM Ryze Guide
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Ryze, A Smurf On Steroids

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