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Ryze Build Guide by manny27

Ryze - The handball master

Ryze - The handball master

Updated on January 17, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author manny27 Build Guide By manny27 1,620 Views 0 Comments
1,620 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author manny27 Ryze Build Guide By manny27 Updated on January 17, 2012
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Ryze. One of the first champion in League of Legends. It is long time since he has been remade to his new, I think the more interesting, form. Now, the Ryze is symbol of extremely low cooldowns and hitting over and over again with tons of damage. This guide will show you the way how Ryze should be played to gain the most damage as it's possible.
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Key to the power

All you have to do is gain A LOT of mana, indeed. Remember, items, runes, masteries - all counts! That's because of Ryze's two spells - Overload and Rune Prison - look at them and you'll understand.

So, damage of your Overload = [40/65/90/115/140 depending on spell level] + [8% of your maximum mana] + [20% of your ability power]
Imagine you are 18 level, you have 5000 mana and 250 ability power, then your damage of Overload would be [140] + [400] + [50] = 590 damage! You may say, That's almost impossible... but it isn't!
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How to play

Heh, you propably have already seen other builds. I've played Ryze for many times and believe me, this item build rocks!

So, lets start with Sapphire Crystal, Mana Potion and Health Potion. At first level you should have something about 700 mana which causes perfect damage for the start against classic magic resist and low HP champions (30-36 magic resist). Your task is to hit as many times as it is possible. You have to harras all the game, be fast, use hit and run and kite enemy all the time. That's the key. But remember, in early game you're weak! So take care of ganks (the best solution is to buy some ward).

Core build is:
Tear of Goddess + Boots + Catalyst of Protector
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League of Legends Build Guide Author manny27
manny27 Ryze Guide
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Ryze - The handball master

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