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Pre-glacial buckler or frozen heart, sett can be a major problem. with not enough mana your q will almost be sad. though if you keep your distance and dont stay to close you might win.
Nasus is annoying, he does a ton of damage and heals back way more than you can. He has slows and an area of affect ability, be VERY careful when fighting him and watch out for ganks. Just stay back and poke him down.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo will almost ALWAYS outheal your damage as tank teemo, be VERY careful and wary of him as he also does a TON of damage and has slows. Dont Int.
vs Jax is a true display of which one of you guys are higher skill. A good jax can tear you apart, but a bad jax is passive and easy to kill. He doesn't have much range and will jump ontop of you. as long as you are ahead you can win this matchup pretty easy as long as the enemy is not jacked.
Trundle, when played well can absoloutely destroy you, he does a lot of damage plus has great cc with his slow. Hes annoying and a struggle to play against with no mana. Run as soon as u see him early game.
IRELIA. HEALS. She heals for days! The same with Dr. Mundo, she does high damage and has good range + a stun and will outheal your damage even with grevious. She is a good perma ban option for the lane.
Garen... omfg. Garen is easy to fight and bully in lane. you have way more base damage then he does and you can easy fight him as long as you get a lead. Just run as soon as you’re silenced and blind as much as you can.
Mordekaiser is a perfect perma ban for a Teemo top lane, Morde surprisingly has better stats then teemo and is extremely hard to kill or bully in lane. His E closes the gap between you and him very well. Hes hard to fight and is super good at 1v1s, most of the time you will comeout dead. He is the Teemo Top lane Perma Ban Pick.
Teemo vs GP is literally the best matchup in the whole game. You can easily bully him through the whole lane. Hes easy to kill and doesn't have much range outside of his barrels. Hes my favorite to fight.
Urgot is easy to bully, if the player is bad. but that's a given, a good urgot will completely stomp you as teemo. he's good at closing the distance and does a ton of damage early on and does even more later in the game. His ult is also pretty much just a straight up teemo murder machine. Be wary of Urgot.
Amumu has ton of hard CC. Hes tanky and hard to fight, but does little to no damage and is easy to poke down since he has no range with his autos. You can bully him during CSing and wait for him to hook onto you. The hard CC will hurt a lot though and you want to be wary of that. honestly its a pretty even matchup between you and Amumu. Play safe and not too agro and you should win easy.
Ranged vs Ranged, Quinn is easy to kill early game but once she starts getting items she will hurt bad. she can and will also poke you down. Pre-6 you can win her 1v1, if you can get early picks then you can steamroll her. If you die, she will steamroll you. Just be careful and play safe.
Akshan is squishy and easy to bully early on, but also he is very capable of bullying you back. Use your Q when he engages to stop autos (his mains source of damage). Let him engage first you should win trades. Don't be scared of his ult if turret is nearby or minion wave is pushes. You're fast and able to hide behind those things to block it. He is the most solid even matchup there is.
Gwen when fed can be a nightmare to deal with no matter who you are. Thats why during laning its important to not feed her. She's pretty easy to bully with your autos and blind. Your Q as teemo will stop her from stacking her passive to give her that extra Q damage. Like most champs let her engage on you first with her E, then poke her down using autos and your Q to stop that stacking. Her R is easy to dodge with your W. The only annoying thing in her kit that makes her hard to deal with is her W. Luckily it has a pretty long cool down so once she uses it it'll be easier to fight her.
Aatrox is a healing nightmare, but unlike some of the other healing champs mentioned on this list, oblivion orb actually does something on him. Rush oblivion and you win lane easy. He is pretty tanky later on but your ap or ad should be enough to melt him down.
Kayle is a NIGHTMARE to deal with in lane. Shes annoying and has slows and her ult is one of the BEST in the game and can save herself or teammates from your poison damage. She is a PERFECT PERMA BAN OPTION! Because she scales so hard late game she can become almost unkillable and HARD TO 1v1.
After-6 Eve will be your friend! If she comes and ganks you often LOL. Invisibility is a huge key, just make sure to clear out wards to keep her safe. Together you guys can easily assonate the enemy laner or jungle.
Lux is a great teammate to have during teamfights, her slow and root will give you easy shots at them. because you dont have much ap, getting all those poison shots off will be key.
Blitzcrank is AWESOME to have during teamfights, hes a great support as long as he lands his hooks, hes fun to play with and watch. the same with lux hes very good at keeping apponents in place and giving you easy shots with your poison.
Vayne is great, shes fast and has high damage, the best thing to do is peel for your vayne if shes fed during teamfights, you should be tanky enough to take a few shots/cs late game where she is the strongest.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu is great at snowballing(lol) he’s a great second tank and should be your main tank. You and him will be great during team fights, you and him should take cc and peel for your other teammates, but always make sure to dish out as much damage as possible
Another great jungle, just like Eve Rengar excels at fast assasination, but even better. He works well with Teemo, hiding in brushes and pouncing on the enemy. Super good and fun to work and play with. Rengar is a great jungle to have on your team as Teemo.
Pantheon, when fed, will be your best friend. His W is a great source of Hard CC and his aggressive playstyle will go great with yours. Easy fun fights and ganks with Panth on your team. Hes best mid or jg.
Vi is great, watch her go right in as you auto and blind from behind. Blinds will help Vi from dying and autos can give you those sneaky KS. Similar to Pantheon playing with her is fun and hyper agressive.
Warwick is great at following up for kills and dives. His fear is great at closing gaps so you are able to get more Q's and autos off during a gank.
After-6 Eve will be your friend! If she comes and ganks you often LOL. Invisibility is a huge key, just make sure to clear out wards to keep her safe. Together you guys can easily assonate the enemy laner or jungle.
Lux is a great teammate to have during teamfights, her slow and root will give you easy shots at them. because you dont have much ap, getting all those poison shots off will be key.
Blitzcrank is AWESOME to have during teamfights, hes a great support as long as he lands his hooks, hes fun to play with and watch. the same with lux hes very good at keeping apponents in place and giving you easy shots with your poison.
Vayne is great, shes fast and has high damage, the best thing to do is peel for your vayne if shes fed during teamfights, you should be tanky enough to take a few shots/cs late game where she is the strongest.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu is great at snowballing(lol) he’s a great second tank and should be your main tank. You and him will be great during team fights, you and him should take cc and peel for your other teammates, but always make sure to dish out as much damage as possible
Another great jungle, just like Eve Rengar excels at fast assasination, but even better. He works well with Teemo, hiding in brushes and pouncing on the enemy. Super good and fun to work and play with. Rengar is a great jungle to have on your team as Teemo.
Pantheon, when fed, will be your best friend. His W is a great source of Hard CC and his aggressive playstyle will go great with yours. Easy fun fights and ganks with Panth on your team. Hes best mid or jg.
Vi is great, watch her go right in as you auto and blind from behind. Blinds will help Vi from dying and autos can give you those sneaky KS. Similar to Pantheon playing with her is fun and hyper agressive.
Warwick is great at following up for kills and dives. His fear is great at closing gaps so you are able to get more Q's and autos off during a gank.
Hello, my name is apkibum and im a Teemo OTP. Im not anything special, im unranked and is only mastery 5 so this might not be the perfect guide for you. Its something fun to try out, if anything needs fixing or help please contact me as this guide is constantly changing and updating as i play more of it.
Teemo is a fun specialists with many different ways to play it, whether AD, AP, ATK SPEED or even Tank! If you have fun with champs with medium range and a good late game Teemo is the perfect character for you! Come along as i teach you all about this.
Early Game
Early in the game you want to be careful, cs is KEY as Frozen Heart or Everfrost will be VERY IMPORTANT!! You wont have much mana starting with Dorans Shield, so rushing to these items will help the most. Try to play as safe as possible and only take small shots at the enemy laner if they get to close while csing. Ward your bush by 3 minutes or earlier, you never know when a surprise gank will happen. If you play safe here you will have a good middle/late game. Of course if the enemy pushes onto you dont be afraid to kill them, most top laners will be weak against teemo early game.
Mid game
Once eight or you have Frozen Heart or Everfrost feel to start roaming mid, (ONLY DO THIS IF YOURE WINNING LANE), come mid to take shots at their laner. Also help your jungle with any invades or objs. Roaming will help alot with giving you gold and exp. Keep your roaming as minimal as possible if vs Nasus who is a huge threat to you, unless he is losing. Leaving nasus will let him infinitely stack his Q.
Late game
Late game You will become the best friend, as long as you are as tanky as possible, dont be scared to take tower shots, cc shots or anything else, if your team is there to back you up. Peel for your ADC or jg, think of yourself as a 2nd support. Blast out Q's and mushrooms like theres no tommorow.
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