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Zed should be your ban, it can easily poke you for massive damage, and has means to cancel your stun
Fizz and zed are side by side at the top of the unplayable matchups, yet, fizz can be more predictable with his E timing, and can be baited, and he doesn't have the poke zed do, that's why you always ban zed
Yasuo can be a pain in the ass because of his windwall, but i found it very easy to bait it out, just farm with Q and whenever you use W stay safe, or else he will dash his way onto you, and you'll have a poor trade
Ahri is the worst mage assassin to play against as TF, as she easily outranges you, and has great all in potential
Akali is one of the easiest matchups, as you can easily avoid being in her Q range, and whenever she uses her smoke, you can run away from her with a gold card in hands in case she ults into you
Annie is in the same category as ahri, can outrange you, has kill potential, play safe against her
Aurelion Sol
Not much of a problem, but i would suggest not trading much, as aurelion sol players can pretty much dictate how long the trade goes for, and you as TF should be doing short trades
You should be able to survive this lane, but you'll never be able to kill Azir, so you should focus in helping your jungle or your teammates
She can be easily outranged by you, never trade with her, push the lane and help your team
He doesn't have kill potential, but you'll need to push hard against him, to help your team
this used to be one of the hardest matchups, but this build gives tf means to run away from her as soon as you see her intending to engage you
Ekko and TF have pretty much the same wave clear, but he can trade very well, stay away from the minions to avoid being hit with Q when he is pushing
Galio does the same thing as you do, but he is tankier, you won't be able to kill him in lane, but beware of his engage, as is pretty much impossible to dodge is E+W combo
avoid his melee form, and dodge his Q, and you can easily push the wave and be active on the map
You can't kill her, she can't kill you either, and with the recent karma mid nerfs, you should be able to push her
Pre 6 always trade with him, wait for his Q shield to go away to use your skills
In this season, with AD Kat being more popular than ever, you should avoid trade with her, but always punish her for jumping on a dagger to push the wave
Pretty chill lane, just push the wave and poke her
AP Kog is one of the best "mages" out there, try to push harder than him to be free on the map
LeBlanc can use all her skills before being stunned, that's why you should prioritize dodging her chain, then stun her
She can engage you easily, but you should be able to dodge every single poke she throws at you
Save up your W, and punish him when he is going to farm a cannon, and use the keystone to runaway before he can trade back the damage
just dodge her E, stay away from the minions, and push the wave
Same as Lissandra, beware of his Flash ult in a gank, ward properly and track the enemy jungle well, and you'll have no problems
it's a pain to play against her, but i suggest you to Q her to take out the black shield so you can stun her
Always back up when she uses her W, and you should be fine
she can outrange you, and poke you very hard, but you should be able to push harder than her
Pantheon does whatever he wants in this matchup, yet he can't carry the game, take a passive stance, and always make sure to use your ult to help your team or follow his ult
Avoid trading at all costs, push the wave and just survive
Here's a tip: Qiyana E always has more range than expected, and that is why this champion is hard to play against, but you should be able to outrange her
Just don't trade, stay away from the minions, and push, he can't follow you when you're ganking bot/top
one of the easiest matchups out there, just beware of jungle ganks
when he uses E, pick the gold card, and immediately stun him, he won't be able to engage you properly, but be sure to warn your team when he picks up your ultimate
I suggest you to start boots, as if you dodge her poke, you won't have any trouble before 6, but if you find it hard to dodge her poke, start doran's ring and trade back with her, as she is weak without her ult
easiest assassin matchup, just stay away from his W range, and have a gold card ready when you sense he pretends to engage you
Not much of a threat, it can be tricky to get out of a gank when he E's you in, but you can stun the jungler and walk out of the cage when it runs out
It can be hard to play against a good vel'koz, but usually you won't be against one, so should be easy to dodge the poke
Hardest control mage to play against, can poke you and has good gank setup
beware of his all in on you, but you should be able to outrange and push him
You have great kill potential against xerath, so you should be able to put pressure into him
Yone is a worse Yasuo when against TF, he doesn't have a windwall, so be sure to stun him when he uses his E, and you should be able to escape from him
he can poke you very hard and push well, but he doesn't have kill pressure, ask for a gank and you should be able to kill him
she can't push harder than you, and she can't easily hit her E on you.
The ideal is to have a jungle with 2v2 potential, and lots of damage, so you can provide the Stun that he lacks of
The ideal is to have a jungle with 2v2 potential, and lots of damage, so you can provide the Stun that he lacks of
The ideal is to have a jungle with 2v2 potential, and lots of damage, so you can provide the Stun she needs
The ideal is to have a jungle with 2v2 potential, and lots of damage, so you can provide the Stun he lacks of
This combination is especially powerful, because the gold card guarantees that the cocoon will land
The ideal is to have a jungle with 2v2 potential, and lots of damage, so you can provide the Stun they need
The ideal is to have a jungle with 2v2 potential, and lots of damage, so you can provide the Stun that he lacks of
The ideal is to have a jungle with 2v2 potential, and lots of damage, so you can provide the Stun that he lacks of
The ideal is to have a jungle with 2v2 potential, and lots of damage, so you can provide the Stun she needs
The ideal is to have a jungle with 2v2 potential, and lots of damage, so you can provide the Stun he lacks of
This combination is especially powerful, because the gold card guarantees that the cocoon will land
The ideal is to have a jungle with 2v2 potential, and lots of damage, so you can provide the Stun they need
Your main goal as Twisted Fate is to push the wave, and gain space to roam around the map, and this is facilitated by using the 3 charges of the minion dematerializer on 3 mage minions, this way you can clear up the backline of the wave with one Q, then proceed to use the red card on the front row, and avoid trading at all costs
Your role in the team is to create plays, but in the team fight your main goal is to be at distance, and gold card someone, and always hit Q when up. You could also do a Engage play, now, you should only do this when you see your team declaring the intent of engaging, i would suggest you to Ult in the middle of the enemy team, stun the main carry and use zhonyas, that way your team can have 2 seconds to swarm on the carry, and you can pretty much win the fight instantly
You should only roam when your minion wave is in the enemy tower, and you should almost always roam bot, as it is the easiest lane to grab a kill, and Botlane is basically what decides the game nowadays
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