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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard slow
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Spell shield is very annoying for you since it can block your stun.
Jinx is ideal since she can get the best use of the movement speed your E provides. Also her traps have great synergy when you stun your oponnent.
Jinx is ideal since she can get the best use of the movement speed your E provides. Also her traps have great synergy when you stun your oponnent.
Champion Build Guide
I usually don't like to stick with meta or no-life single champion, since it's more fun to try something new every once in a while. And that led me to writing this guide for Support Annie.
I will try to keep my guide updated since I want to show as many people as possible that this is legit pick that can carry games.
The rune has great usage with your passive and it's very annoying to play against on lane. Even in late teamfights AoE slow is very powerful.
But this is where Everfrost comes to play. You can easily R stun and Everfrost Active for extremely long CC resulting in dumping all your burst and damage from teammates. It is pretty much guaranteed atleast one kill.
It is even better if you have Adc like Jhin, Caitlyn or Jinx who can trap the enemy for even longer. If you can't engage on enemy, always wait for your E because it gives you short burst of movement speed that can help you land that Q or W with stun.
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