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Morgana Build Guide by alloposid

Support [S12] Year-Long CC Morgana Support

Support [S12] Year-Long CC Morgana Support

Updated on June 6, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author alloposid Build Guide By alloposid 14 1 34,385 Views 0 Comments
14 1 34,385 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author alloposid Morgana Build Guide By alloposid Updated on June 6, 2022
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Runes: Utility

1 2
Glacial Augment
Perfect Timing
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Manaflow Band

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
my favourite
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[S12] Year-Long CC Morgana Support

By alloposid
Pros and Cons
  • Dark Binding is one of the longest immobilises in the game, and with the additional slow it is a death sentence for whomever you land it on.
  • If you or an ally are being chased, Dark Binding along with Black Shield make you extremely hard to catch up with.
  • Black Shield gives an immunity to cc in a cc-heavy lane, providing great safety.
  • Tormented Shadow can be used to easily poke long-range.
  • Using Soul Shackles can stun multiple enemy champions, turning teamfights to your side.
  • Without a dash, you are vulnerable to skillshots and cc (when Black Shield is on cooldown).
  • Soul Shackles can be difficult to use due to its short range and your nature as a squishy champion.
  • When you use Zhonya's Hourglass/ Stopwatch during Soul Shackles, enemies who are no immobilised can simply walk out of its range to avoid being stunned.
  • Less damage than Lux, another root support but with huge burst damage.
  • Your Dark Binding does a lot of damage, so can be used to long-range execute or even steal Rift Herald, Drake, or Baron Nashor
  • The stun from Soul Shackles only occurs after 3 seconds, so live for as long as you can chasing the enemies down before using Zhonya's Hourglass or Stopwatch to prevent them walking out of its range. Wait at least 0.5 seconds before using stasis when you cast Soul Shackles.
  • Black Shield has a long cooldown early-game so only use it when it's very likely that cc is going to occur or when you or an ally is at risk of dying.
  • If someone pings that they're engaging, it's usually a good idea to Black Shield them immediately as they're acting as the front line.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author alloposid
alloposid Morgana Guide
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[S12] Year-Long CC Morgana Support

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