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Shaco Build Guide by DuoShaco

Jungle [S14.22] The Shaco Bible | LATEST and ONLY build you need!

Jungle [S14.22] The Shaco Bible | LATEST and ONLY build you need!

Updated on November 10, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DuoShaco Build Guide By DuoShaco 16 6 403,909 Views 1 Comments
16 6 403,909 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DuoShaco Shaco Build Guide By DuoShaco Updated on November 10, 2024
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Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Hey Shaco players,

I have been a Shaco main since season 3 and took a short break after the huge rework on him. I started playing him again and a lot more so after he was reworked back to the original Shaco.

I have written up an Introduction to Shaco and a brief overview of his history :)
Lore Overview
Shaco, the Demon Jester, is a unique champion in League of Legends known for his cunning and chaotic playstyle. He hails from the Shadow Isles, a place steeped in darkness and malevolence. Born from the shadows, Shaco is a trickster who thrives on deception, fear, and mayhem. His primary objective is to bring about chaos wherever he goes, often toying with his victims before delivering the final blow.
His lore emphasizes his sadistic nature and delight in the suffering of others. As a master of trickery, Shaco uses his illusions and tricks to manipulate and surprise his enemies, making him one of the most unpredictable champions in the game.

Abilities Overview
Shaco's kit is designed around stealth, deception, and burst damage. Here’s a brief overview of his abilities:
1. Passive - Backstab: Shaco’s auto-attacks deal bonus damage when striking from behind, encouraging flanking and surprise attacks.
2. Q - Deceive: Shaco becomes invisible and gains a burst of movement speed. Upon reappearing, his next attack critically strikes. This ability is perfect for engaging, escaping, or sneaking up on enemies.
3. W - Jack in the Box: Shaco places a box that fears and damages enemies when triggered. These boxes can be used for zoning, setting traps, and controlling vision.
4. E - Two-Shiv Poison: Shaco throws a dagger that deals damage and slows the target. If the target is killed while affected by Two-Shiv Poison, Shaco gets a short cooldown reset.
5. R - Hallucinate: Shaco creates a clone of himself that can attack enemies and deceive them. This ability is great for escaping, confusing opponents, or initiating fights.

Shaco is primarily played as a jungler but can also be effective in other roles like support or even AD carry in niche scenarios. His gameplay revolves around ambushing enemies, creating chaos in fights, and outsmarting opponents with his illusions.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering Shaco
1. Mastering Deceive
• Engagement and Escapes: Use Deceive not only to engage enemies but also to escape sticky situations. The invisibility can throw off your opponents, allowing you to reposition or flee.
• Optimal Usage: Always try to use Deceive to approach enemies from behind. The critical strike it grants is crucial for maximizing your damage output.

2. Box Placement
• Choke Points: Place your Jack in the Box in narrow passages or at jungle entrances to control enemy movements. This can help you catch out opponents or secure safe passage through your jungle.
• Team Fights: During team fights, try to position your boxes where enemies are likely to walk through. This will disrupt their movements and provide you with additional damage.
• Counter Jungling: Use your boxes to ward your jungle entrances. This can give you vision and alert you to incoming ganks.

3. Effective Use of Two-Shiv Poison
• Finishing Moves: Use Two-Shiv Poison to finish off low-health enemies, as the cooldown resets upon their death, allowing you to use it again in quick succession.
• Utility in Ganks: The slow from Two-Shiv Poison can help secure kills during ganks, making it easier for your laners to follow up.
4. Maximizing Hallucinate
• Decoy Tactics: Use your ultimate to confuse opponents. Your clone can take damage, allowing you to bait enemy abilities and attacks, especially during crucial moments in fights.
• Clone as a Tool: Use Hallucinate to scout ahead in bushes or objectives. The clone can reveal enemy locations without putting yourself at risk.
• Damage Output: Remember that your clone can deal damage, especially if you have items that enhance your attack power. Use it to your advantage during skirmishes.
5. Map Awareness and Objectives
• Early Game Pressure: Shaco excels at early game ganking due to his stealth and burst damage. Look to apply pressure in lanes where your teammates can follow up.
• Objective Control: Use your Jack in the Box to secure vision around key objectives like Dragon or Baron. They can also help zone out enemies trying to contest.
• Adaptation: Be flexible with your build. If you're facing heavy CC, consider items like Mercurial Scimitar for its cleanse effect.
• Warding Items: Don’t forget to invest in vision. Items like Control Wards and Oracle Lens are crucial for maintaining map awareness.
7. Advanced Tricks
• Clone Control: If your clone is targeted, it can absorb damage. Use this to soak up enemy spells during team fights.
• Box and Clone Synergy: Combine Jack in the Box with your Hallucinate for increased chaos. Enemies can become overwhelmed when faced with multiple threats.
• Timing Is Key: Use Deceive and Hallucinate to mislead enemies about your position. Timing your abilities effectively can lead to unexpected ambushes.
Shaco is a champion that requires practice and a keen understanding of game mechanics to master. His unique kit allows for creative plays and mind games that can tilt opponents. By utilizing the tips and tricks outlined above, you can become a formidable Shaco player who brings chaos to the Rift. Embrace the trickster within, and may your enemies never see you coming!

If you have reached this far, I would like to thank you for going through with my very simple guide. The aim here is to equip you guys with the best possible item building and runes and box placements early. I have tried most of the possible combinations of items in game and in practice and came up with this, so you don't have to. (The only thing different from the video below is to start the first box placement at the 50 second mark and continue. You should be able to clear Red side by 2:15. Let me know if you would like a video outlining this clearer.

Thank you again. If this guide helped you out, please leave a like or comment as it would mean alot to me. :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DuoShaco
DuoShaco Shaco Guide
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