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Lucian Build Guide by totalwanabe

AD Carry S3 middle lane Lucian

AD Carry S3 middle lane Lucian

Updated on September 16, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author totalwanabe Build Guide By totalwanabe 3,533 Views 0 Comments
3,533 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author totalwanabe Lucian Build Guide By totalwanabe Updated on September 16, 2013
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still a work in progress

you focus on farming and you poke mainly with with "W".
Ex.: last hit a minion "W" on or nearby enemy champ basic attack it if in range otherwise a minion with debuff to chase or kept farming. you take "E" at level 2 to close gap or escape it's very good you can almost get out of hecarim walk of the dead without getting damaged by it. good luck with the build if you try it
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Pros / Cons

Pros: High sustain, great poking,medium to high damage in mid, good escape

Cons: You will be ganked between 300% to 500% more often then regular ap mid because most of the time you will dominate the lane pretty easily.
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Champion you can be troublesome for you in mid ... work in progress

Mid:Wukong, Orianna, Ryze, Katarina

Jungler: Hecarim, Volibear, Xin, Elise, Udyr
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Champion you do well againts in mid ... work in progress

Mid: Teemo, Talon, Lux, Kassadin, Ahri, Brand, Fizz, Irelia

Jungler: Jarvin, Nassus
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