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Cho'Gath Build Guide by EndoPRYME

Tank [S4] EndoCho'Gath Top

Tank [S4] EndoCho'Gath Top

Updated on August 5, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EndoPRYME Build Guide By EndoPRYME 2,712 Views 0 Comments
2,712 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author EndoPRYME Cho'Gath Build Guide By EndoPRYME Updated on August 5, 2014
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Show Them Cho'Gath

Cho'Gath is very strong and powerful!!

He is like a tanky damage dealer that can stun and silence enemies.

This guide will allow you to walk infront of enemy champions and eat them to pieces while soaking up all the damage so your team can dump them shiznits.
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Laning Phase [2 to 15 min]

During laning phase, Cho'Gath has enough power to continuously push the lane as well as harass the enemy champion if he gets too close.

In order to win your lane, just keep auto attacking minions and shove the lane up as fast as you can. Once the minions hit tower range, the enemy top laner will have a hard time killing the minions and you can back off to put a trinket.

After you shove a few waves, make sure you look at your gold. If you have enough good for a few items, I'd suggest you buy them [Preferably the items for Catalyst] and a ward.

After that you just TP back to your lane and free farm all day.
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Mid Game Phase [15 to 30 min]

By now you should have Rod of Ages and maybe even Sheen or Glacial Shroud.

What you have to do now is try to get the enemy top tower. [Duh]
Once you take down his tower, start to freeze the lane and farm up for more items.

While you are farming, make sure you look for teamfights or engages around the map that might need your help, if you find one, prepare your TP and then kill everybody by peeling for your adc and spamming all your spells!!
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Late Game Phase [30 to 60 Min]

Once you get to late game, all you have to do is walk around with your team and look for fights. Make sure you have 6 stacks on your Ultimate and be ready for anything.

During teamfights, make sure you keep enemy team members off your carries.
Due to Cho'Gaths slow speed and not so bursty damage, it is best for you to stun and silence enemy champions that approach your people.

After a few teamfights and tanking loads of damage, you should probably start to end the game and feel good about your amazing Cho'Gath plays!! GL and HF
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The End And Summary

Summary For Cho'Gath

Early Game = Farm and Push

Mid Game = Farm and Objectives

Late Game = Protect teammates and deal damage

Thank you for watching my guide and good luck on your Top Cho'Gath Journey!!
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