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Thresh Build Guide by moneychannel

AD Carry [S5] Thresh the Illuminator - MID Lane AD Tresh

AD Carry [S5] Thresh the Illuminator - MID Lane AD Tresh

Updated on May 5, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author moneychannel Build Guide By moneychannel 27,974 Views 0 Comments
27,974 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author moneychannel Thresh Build Guide By moneychannel Updated on May 5, 2015
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Hello and welcome to this MLG Thresh Build for the Middle Lane.
This is the most OVERPOWERED build for Thresh.
I worked hard to make this guide for you and this is also my first guide. xD
This is a good and funny Tresh Build.
So let`s get started.
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Pros / Cons

    High Damage
    High Range
    Good Farmer
    You get little ballz that gives you AP and armor
    Really good in early game
    Hard CC

    The Box is easily flashed over / tanked through.
    Takes too much mana
    Starts with no Armor
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Damnation(Passive) - Well this is actually a good passive beacause this champion starts with no armor and each soul gives you 0.75 AP and ARMOR.

Death Sentence (Q)- This is a chain that you throw it to the enemy champion to catch to restrain it.This is very hard or impossible to hit when the enemy is in a minion wave.

Dark Passage (W) - This is actually just a lantern that you throw it somewhere.It gives whoever touches it a shield and whoever clicks it will go back to Thresh with the lantern instead.

Flay (E) - Just push the enemies backwards a little ... Also stop Katarina from her ultimate.

The Box (R) - Well this is actually a BOX that slows the enemy if it walks trough it . After someone breaks through the first wall, all enemies can pass freely through the area, and all other walls will deal half the damage, half the AP ratio and half the slow duration.
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So this is the ending of this guide...
Sorry for having no photos just dunno how Photoshop works lel...
Feel free to leave any comments about the guide or what happens when you used it .
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League of Legends Build Guide Author moneychannel
moneychannel Thresh Guide
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[S5] Thresh the Illuminator - MID Lane AD Tresh

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