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Janna Build Guide by cara-senpai

AP Offtank s5secretsgg.docx

AP Offtank s5secretsgg.docx

Updated on November 7, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author cara-senpai Build Guide By cara-senpai 4,104 Views 0 Comments
4,104 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author cara-senpai Janna Build Guide By cara-senpai Updated on November 7, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Hello! I am a Janna main since season 3. The only ranked games I win are with Janna so you can tell this guide is the real thing.

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~About Me~

I need a girlfriend :p

I'm 5'7 please don't be taller than me, if you had sex with tons of guys I'm not gonna date you or touch you no matter how hot you are. I'm old fashioned and I need a classy girl.

Nice guys don't like dirty girls. Have some class tired of going out with girls that have no respect for their body and if you think I'm gonna hookup with you I'll laugh in your face.

I consider myself a very open minded and liberal guy, I myself am white, the dominant race in America, but because of my progressive nature I've dated women of all racial backgrounds. Here's what I noticed:

White women: narcissistic, self-important, try too hard to be men, need I say more? ;)

Black women: ****ty and trashy and just unattractive, usually uneducated, have a big head if they are educated

Latin women: very loyal, but too loud, way too into religious and their families

Asian women: Perfect. Just perfect :) Loyal, kind, known how to treat a man, educated, classy, the whole package

Asian women where you at??
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Attack speed is great early game on Janna because her shield has a phatty 50 AD tacked onto it level 1.

Armor Seals + AP Glyphs, don't need MR because Janna can build MR easily without sacrificing much
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~Starting Items~

Starting Ancient Coin allows you to win lane even if you miss CS! Iconic


This is the best possible thing because you can build Banner of Command and just splitpush every 120 seconds and those ******s can't even kill the minion lol


Also a splitpushing build, but worse. Rush Lich Bane then Dead Man's Plate. Literally only splitpush with this build and use Dead Man's to run away when ppl come to get the splitpushing Janna

~Core Items~

Honestly you only really need Boots of Mobility

~Alternative Team Play Build~

If you CANNOT trust your teammates to not fight 4v5 while you splitpush and win them the game, you can build Rabadon's Deathcap and just sit in the back shielding your carry or tank or whatever in teamfights. The ulti displacement and fatty heal is great in team fights. If your support sucks or is a fake support like Zyra, Velkoz, Annie, or Brand, you can build Mikael's Crucible for your poor adc ://
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TP to a losing lane and heal them go back top
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Pros / Cons

    ♂Great Mobility
    ♂Survivability due to disengage+shield+heals
    ♂She's cute

    ♀Literally none? Lol???
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Suggested Playlist to Use

This is my personal suggested playlist that I recommend you use in order to stimulate your brain cells and mechanics.

Anecdotally proven to make you 50% better when using this guide

My twitter: @cawayee
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League of Legends Build Guide Author cara-senpai
cara-senpai Janna Guide
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