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One of Teemos harder matchups. You can sidestep his first Q but be careful not to be in range for him to hit you with his dash 2nd Q! Stay behind minions to avoid his W hitting you as it will allow you to all in you easily.
Play this lane slowly and you will win. Falling behind in XP/Gold means she will easily be able to kill you so take smart trades and slowly poke her down! Don't get hit with her E! Careful about taking minion damage while she is in her smokescreen!
You can blind her empowered (true damage) Q. Bait her into shrooms and try to avoid getting hit with her E. You can pretend to go up and auto her so she uses W (the sweeping kick) but walk away so it doesn't hit you (to avoid poke in lane).
Play slow and harass. Can blind his Q and all in fairly easily. Don't push the lane when he is healthy as he can run you down.
Honestly an annoying champion. Kill his ghouls when it's easy to do so. The most important thing is to dodge his E, if he lands it his ghouls will deal alot of damage and the slow will allow him to cage you. You can blind his Q.
Should be able to dodge his Q. Don't stand behind minions so his E splash hits you. Auto him when he goes for minions. All in is quite easy and cho is actually fairly squishy early game.
This champ is super annoying. Lane can go either way. He is super hard to deal with if he gets ahead. Definitely get seekers armguard early. blind him while he dashes if you can. Be careful of his ult, it is super broken.
This champion is very annoying but Teemo has good all in vs him as he still takes poison and ignite damage during his E. Take extended trades so he can't just heal the trade and care for taking too much minion damage. You can definitely win lane as Teemo vs this champ but he does have really insane scaling so his late game is always a threat.
Dodge his Q. Don't get in range for him to E you. Flash if he tries to E+Flash combo you. You can blind his W and if he hasn't hit you with abilities it will target closer creeps instead of you. You can very easily bait him into pushing as his shotgun knees will AOE the minions.
Buy ninja tabi and zhonyas if you aren't stomping him. Morellos is also very strong for heal reduction. Be careful for his level 2! (There is a strategy on Tryndamere where you spin through the creeps into the enemy champion killing the creeps and levelling to 2 putting a point into W to slow you)
Weak toplaner. Can blind his bite. Don't let him pin you against walls with his pillar.
Tahm Kench
Quite a strong toplaner. Aslong as you stay behind minions and don't get hit with his Q you should be fine. He has a very powerful all in so don't let him get to you!
DO NOT GET BAITED BY HIS HEAL! This champion is extremely strong and should be respected.
Swain can be quite easy to all in if he misses his E. Sidestep his E and you should win trades.
Really annoying champ to deal with as he just keeps Qing you off cooldown. Trade with him when his Q is on CD. I also recommend running an alternate runepage into him >> Grasp, Demolish, second wind, overgrowth... Taste of blood, Ravenous hunter. Just auto when you get Grasp up and you should be able to sustain until he is out of mana.
Dr. Mundo
Just stay behind minions and don't let him cleaver you. Auto him when he goes for creeps. Build grevious wounds at some point.
Bait his hook by pretending to auto-attack him and then cancelling. Try and buy boots before him as him having a movespeed advantage means he can run up and hook you! Walk or flash into close range of his Q to take reduced damage and stop the heal when all-inning, combine this with blind so he can't auto you!
Only way he can really kill you is if he flashes on you. You should always be fairly healthy in this lane and the only thing you have to avoid is creep damage (walk into brushes or away from creeps after trading).
Very hard matchup if the heimer plays well. He can 1v2 you and your jungler if he has ult so ping your jungler away! You can kill his turrets with autos when safe to but he recharges them quickly so it's hard to get a good window to trade, just play defensively. When you want to all in him bait him into throwing E then flash on him.
Just hold your blind until she parries. If she wins a fight where she doesn't parry then you shouldn't of took the fight! Stand against a wall to prevent her proccing all sides of her ultimate! You can walk far away from her to make the vital (her passive) switch sides!
You win trades vs him early. Last hit his barrels where possible. Force him to use Q to farm so he runs out of mana. Try and pay attention to how many barrels he has stored (He can only hold 3 and they take a long time to recharge early)
Just fight him in mini form. Should be able to avoid getting poked with his boomerang. Blind is very powerful vs this champion. Shove if he Teleports into fights.
The easiest matchup for Teemo. Just don't miss minions if he tries to farm behind your tower. Harass him early and try to avoid getting flipped into a large minion wave or his turret.
This champ is pretty strong. You can run through him to dodge his W sometimes. Harass him when he goes for creeps, but be careful as he can run up and grab you quite easily!
Don't get hit with her E as it gives her a dash reset! Auto attack her when she goes for creeps, If you attack move command her you can target her before or when she is dashing for a creep and automatically auto-attack when she is in range.
Easy matchup for Teemo. Just harass him non-stop early and don't get taunted under tower! Care for him E-Flashing on you when his jungler arrives!
- Use your Q (Blinding Dart) while your auto-attack is on cooldown so you don't waste damage!
- Place Mushrooms behind you so you can kite the enemy into them!
- Be careful of placing mushrooms in the middle of the lane as it may mess up the creep wave!
- Blind the enemies who are auto-attacking your allies (Preferably AD Champions)
- Save your W active until you have taken damage from either a champion or tower, this way you are making use of your out of combat movement speed for longer.
- Run into the brush or towards your tower to break minion aggression after attacking the enemy champion.
- Don't miss minions to harass! (Unless you can kill them)
- Walk between auto-attacks even when you don't need to. This will help you learn to kite and auto-space properly!
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