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Evelynn Build Guide by chevy the sloot

Jungle Season 11 Demon Sloot Guide

Jungle Season 11 Demon Sloot Guide

Updated on May 12, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author chevy the sloot Build Guide By chevy the sloot 22 7 53,713 Views 5 Comments
22 7 53,713 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author chevy the sloot Evelynn Build Guide By chevy the sloot Updated on May 12, 2021
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Runes: Your typical 30 minute game

1 2
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Future's Market
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Red Smite
LoL Summoner Spell: Challenging Smite

Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

Season 11 Demon Sloot Guide

By chevy the sloot
Sup ya ****s? I'm Chevy and have been frequently interacting with the main Evelynn subreddit trying to help newish and older Evelynn players with many tips and guides. I started playing LoL about a year-ish ago and have hit plat-low diamond during that time. I have climbed several accounts from silver to diamond so a lot of my tips are meant to help anything diamond and below. Anyways I figured I post some of my reddit posts, Q/A comments, and also do a patch by patch update on Evelynn post patch 10.23 (working on it):

- 12/28: AP mythics have been nerfed about 3 times collectively and once again in the 11.1 "adjustments". At this point is it really worth building them? Nope, here's why:
- 1/25: 11.2 tips chapter added.
- 2/3: Rushed 11.3 update chapter added.
- 2/4: Disregard everything about Nashors Tooth. Even if Lich Bane was gutted and Nashor is more flat damage the item feels like hot garbage on Eve.
- 2/12: I doubt anybody digs down here but I just started streaming at and already clipped a few crazy eve plays.
- 2/14: No matter how much I hate it. Rocketbelt on Evelynn is the best way to go after every single one of her other items has been gutted
- 2/21: Rocket into Lich bane seems to be what most high elo Eves are abusing. Yes Rabadon after mythic is about ~80 more damage but you spike way earlier with lich bane and also gain better clearing and objective power with potential burst. Chances are anything you can kill with Rocket + Rabs you can also kill with Rocket + Lich bane.
- 2/28: Everfrost after dozens of buffs is OP on Evelynn. I just don't have the games played on it yet. But just data and damage wise it out damages Rocketbelt hard while being on a 20 cd and having way more utility.
- 3/3: God Everfrost is so fun and OP. It's definitely more raw damage with added utility (ever rooted multiple people out of camou?). The build path is decent actually since you can itemize 20% cdr early (lost chapter) for slightly better clearing. AP assassins shouldn't have utility and raw damage (cough cough Kassadin)really hope it doesnt get nerfed though.
- 4/1: Everfrost nerfs mean is meh meh on Evelynn.
11.2 tips
11.2 with the nerfing of a lot of other champions and their items has brought Evelynn to a pretty strong state. She's hovering 52% win rate which is about rank 10 amongst junglers and the highest she's been since 10.16. As a fellow Eve abuser and someone just doing my s11 placements every game feels like an easy stomp. Here are some tips and things to play around:

- You want your lich bane at around 10-11 minutes. You don't have to be incredibly ahead to hit this time (if you're pathing correctly) but when you do you will be the first or one of the first few people with their first item spike. This is usually the last few minutes of laning phase and ganking with a full lich bane is just not fair. You can combo anyone solo with this.

- At around ~15 minutes the first team fight is usually starting with how short games are. Around this time you want to of course have your lich bane as well a needlessly large rod and maybe sorcs if you really ahead. Lich bane already scaling with a needlessly large rod (and potential dark seal stacks) means you can combo any squishy without MR without using your R. And things with some MR and health can be combo'd with R. So your team fighting here involves taking a carry or two out while surviving for drake.

- You don't have to buy a mythic third item or even 4th and 5th. Your 2 item spike at lich bane + Rabadon one shots anything that isn't stacking MR. After this you can look for a void if the enemy is stacking MR or buy a banshee (specially with 11.3 buffs) for the cc shield and better survivability. Mythic 3rd item (usually Night harvester) is nice if a lot of fighting is going on and I need the haste for lower cooldown on my R.

- Ban dodge Goredrinker heavy compositions. Goredrinker is a nasty item that everybody seems to be abusing. As strong as Evelynn currently is, she can't really do much against several goredrinker users. Banning Olaf and Hecarim seems like the most viable right now.

Evelynn is again really good these days after a lot of indirect buffs (nerfing of other champions). She should be even better on 11.3 (unless mark yetter strikes the hammer on us) since cancer items like Goredrinker, Ravenous hydra, Steraks, Eclipse, and so on will be nerfed yet again. While Banshee veil having a buff (net neutral since mages will have more mr). It's all about your first few clears and ganks then getting lich bane early. After that games just snowball way too hard for Evelynn.
Lich bane + Rabadon try it!
So let's break this down as to why it's better than anything else:

Early game Alternator has been a pretty good cheap spike even as revolver last season. But it's not the strongest 1050g early spike on Evelynn. Evelynn is on the higher end of base AD early in the game and sheen procs on her E. So a 700g sheen with a dark seal (which allows for early snowball) not only outdamages an alternator on all ins but also helps significantly on her second clear and after. Alternator is tied to a 40 cd and gives you no value on clearing aside from the AP provided. Sheen is on a 1.5 cd which greatly improves clearing (back to runic echoes days) and also helps your damage on extended counter ganks. This significant power up in clearing has allowed me in my games to be more proactive early on this early game snowball meta.

Numbers -
level 3 (1k hp + 40 armor/mr dummy):
sheen,(+ dark seal) - 399, 474
alternator - 459
lost chapter, blasting - 414

First item rush

Pros of Lich bane first item:
- Significantly better clearing. Seems slightly better than season 10 runic echoes clearing.
- 10% movement speed which helps with this perma fighting and perma snowballing early game meta. It also synergizes with relentless hunter stacks.
- 200g cheaper than any other mythic so you will spike earlier than anybody else.
- Stronger objective control because of spellblade passive.
- Better wave clearing.
- Better build path. Both Rocket and Night harvester tie you down to a 1.3k gold back to complete the item (unless you buy ruby crystal for health then 900g).

Cons of lich bane first item:
- No ability haste so your R in comparison to NH will be ~20 seconds longer.
- Slightly less damage (numbers below).

Numbers -
level 9 (1.2k + 70 mr dummy):
LB: 623, 686
NH: 631, 695
rocket: 662, 729

level 10 + sorcs (1.2k + 70 mr dummy):
LB: 711, 794
NH: 721, 805
rocket: 755, 844

These numbers are from practice tool on live. On pbe with 11.1 "adjustments" both protobelt and NH will have slightly less numbers. Also, noted, this is the damage rocketbelt does with the active. Without the 40 cd active it does ~100+ less damage.

Second item spike

Numbers -
level 12 + sorcs + rabs (1.4k hp + 80 mr):
LB: 1044, 1182
NH: 1021, 1156
rocket: 1085, 1234
Ludens: 1030, 1178

Lich bane after rabadons does more damage than any other mythic except Rocketbelt. Which again only does such damage on a 40 cd active and significantly less damage without it. Again, not only did you spike earlier with a cheaper lich bane but you also have way better clearing, objective power, and wave clearing than anything else so the snowball should be bigger despite ~10 less damage before rabadon.

What to build after Rabadon Deathcap

At this point what mythic or item you go next is optional based on what you need in the game. Ludens provides the best scaling and most damage late game but is slightly more expensive and has a worst path. Night harvester gives you health but falls off against MR stacking teams. I often see myself building blasting wand after Lich bane and Rabadon and deciding what to build last second once I have enough gold for a full buy. Often times, skipping a mythic for your 3rd item for void is pretty good if the enemy is stacking MR (which has a blasting wand in the build path).

Numbers -
level 15 + sorcs + rabs + LB (2.5k + 120 MR):
Ludens: 1257, 1548
NH: 1217, 1470
Rocket: 1304, 1595

Note: Numbers are (noncharmed Q + E + Q + Q + Q + AA, charmed with the same combo). Runes on numbers are predator (no damage from this) + sudden impact (mpen) + unstacked eyeball and inspiration (no damage).

Note # 2: I got inspiration from trying this out from @AnthonyEvelynn who was already rushing Lich bane since preseason started (which was actually a worse rush back then since mythics were stronger back then). He likes to duo LB with alternator which imo isn't optimal. Alternator does less than half the damage a full build NH does and wasting 1050g on an incomplete item means you spike much much later plus no AP scaling.
Red smite Vs Blue smite
Red smite finally procs the burn on abilities instead of just autos. So now Evelynn Q spam procs challenger smite burn multiple time. That along the mini exhaust puts it over blue smite in almost every single scenario.

Jungle match ups like Kindred, Nidalee, Khazix, Lee Sin, and Graves are all now winnable because we can match their exhaust and dueling now that we can abuse red smite as well.

Fed assassin mid? Well now the mini exhaust means you can outburst them. Top lane bruiser has a lead? We can duel those too now.

When to take red over blue:

- Heavy assassin comp for the mini exhaust.

- Tank heavy teams for the better damage over time

- Bruiser heavy comps because of the dueling power

- Into dueling junglers

- Into certain ADCs i.e. Samira, Aphelios, Lucian

- Burst mages for the exhaust

Update on chapter (here's the damage diff):

Level 18 smite (predator + ToB + Unstacked eyeball):

Red smite + AA: ~88 dps, 237 total
Blue smite + AA: ~738 dps, 268 total

Red smite + 3 * AA: ~113 dps, 585 total
Blue smite + 3 * AA: ~184 dps, 492 total

Blue smite gives more upfront burst but over the duration of your combo you will have ~100 more damage on the 4 second red smite window. All in all red smite is a net damage gain assuming you start your combo Q + smite as every eve should.
Nashors testing
Note: Still testing this and so far hot garbage. Might as well keep spamming LB since is highest rush item on Eve per Lolalytics.

R.I.P. Lich bane our dearest friend. Basically losing -10 ap on 11.3 completely gutted Lich bane being that it was already nerfed 2 other times since the new items dropped. At this point, itemizing Nashors Tooth (which is an auto attacker on hit item) is much burstier than Lich Bane. Also the fact that all AP mythics are still **** on Evelynn early since they provide no clearing power and "decent" damage for things Evelynn doesn't want like "health" and "ability haste" is leading me to abuse Nashors Tooth rush on Eve.

Numbers (with no damage rune except sudden impact):

level 9 (1.2k + 70 mr dummy):
LB - 607
NH - 625, 687
rocket - 625, 687
nashors - 623, 685 extra AA: 696, 761

level 10 + sorcs (1.2k + 70 mr dummy):
LB - 693, 774 11.2 LB: 711, 794
NH - 710, 793
rocket - 710, 793
nashors - 708, 791 extra AA: 786, 872

level 12 + sorcs + rabs (1.4k hp + 80 mr):
LB - 1021, 1156 11.2 LB: 1044, 1182
NH - 1011, 1145
rocket - 1041, 1184
Ludens - 1030, 1178
nashors - 1074, 1216 extra AA: 1177, 1327

level 15 + sorcs + rabs + LB (2.5k + 120 MR):
Ludens - 1234, 1519
NH - 1185, 1431
Rocket - 1244, 1520

level 15 + sorcs + rabs + nashor (2.5k + 120 MR):
Ludens - 1292, 1592 extra AA: 1395, 1709
NH - 1241, 1499 extra AA: 1341, 1611
Rocket - 1303, 1593 extra AA: 1406, 1709

Note: (noncharm, Charmed)
Note # 2: Extra auto attack after the E on hit and the one you weave into your Qs.
Note # 3: Rocketbelt losses ~100 damage without active.

As the numbers show, Nashors Tooth at Rabadon deathcap spike is not balanced even without weaving extra autos in your combo. Last patch Evelynn one shotted almost everything at Lich bane + Rabadon rush and replacing Nashors over lich bane is looking even scarier. Of course with obvious pros and cons:


Pros of Nashors Tooth rush:
    - More raw AP
    - Significantly better clearing over every mythic because of +10-20 AP and passive.
    - Earlier spiking since it's 200g cheaper than mythics.
    - Stronger objective control because of passive and more AP.
    - Better wave clearing because of more AP, attack speed, and passive.
    - Q + E one shotting potential without being tied down to a 40 second passive/active.

Cons of Nashors Tooth over Lich Bane:
    - Much worse build path.
    - No movement speed

Cons of Nashors Tooth rush over mythics:
    - No ability haste. Your ult is ~20 second longer level 1.
    - Worse build path. 1715g to back with item (recursive bow is bad one Eve).

To conclude, Nashors Tooth on Evelynn who just wants raw damage isn't balanced (or the item itself). She gets more raw AP from it and On Hit which procs on her E. The only reason I am not hard endorsing this to be rushed is because the build path is so bad. Lich bane rush build path was better than any mythic path while providing better clearing early. Nashors build path is basically a blasting wand and tome that forces you to back with 1715g since the recursive bow component is completely **** on Evelynn. Yes your damage and clearing are not fair after you rush it (specially with Rabadon) but you're forfeiting a lot of your early game in turn which Eve already lacks.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author chevy the sloot
chevy the sloot Evelynn Guide
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Season 11 Demon Sloot Guide

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