Tahm Kench
Build Guide by ManicMasterMind
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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
An Acquired Taste (PASSIVE)
Tahm Kench Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
More in the Matchup section.
Champion Build Guide
Who Am I?
ManicMasterMind is highly intelligent and has a sharp mind, able to understand complex concepts and solve difficult problems with ease. He has a deep knowledge and understanding of a wide range of subjects, and is constantly seeking out new information and ways to learn and grow.
In addition to his intelligence, he also possesses some almost divine or otherworldly qualities. He has a presence and charisma that draws people to him, and his actions and words inspire and uplift those around him. Despite his extraordinary abilities, he remains humble and approachable, using his gifts to help and serve others.
In addition to his intelligence, he also possesses some almost divine or otherworldly qualities. He has a presence and charisma that draws people to him, and his actions and words inspire and uplift those around him. Despite his extraordinary abilities, he remains humble and approachable, using his gifts to help and serve others.
Why Hybrid?
Normaly, tanks with 4,5k hp on 4 items have the downside of beeing countered by bruisers and properly peeled adcs due to their lack of oneshot potental. Hybrid Tahm Kench doesnt cares. At 4 items not only he has over 4,5k hp but a ~3.5k oneshot combo.
So in mid and late game he can 1v1 almost every camp and is able to take their carry out like an assasin while beeing unkillable.
Gerneral Tips For Top Lane
Focus on last-hitting minions: As a top laner, your main priority is to farm minions and gain gold and experience. Try to last-hit minions, which means only attacking the minions that are about to die, to maximize your gold income.
Don't overextend: Try to stay within the range of your turret, as this will make it harder for the enemy top laner to kill you and take your tower. Only go out to farm or trade with the enemy when you have an advantage.
Trade wisely: When you do decide to trade with the enemy top laner, try to do so at times when you have an advantage, such as when you have more minions, or when your abilities are off cooldown and theirs are not.
Know your limits: Don't be afraid to back off if you're losing a trade or if the enemy top laner is getting the upper hand. It's better to retreat and regroup than to keep fighting and die.
Use your abilities effectively: Each champion has their own unique abilities, so make sure to use them to your advantage in lane. For example, if you're playing a champion with a lot of sustained damage, try to hit the enemy with your abilities as often as possible.
Communicate with your team: Top lane can be a lonely place, but it's important to stay connected with your team and let them know what's happening in your lane. Call for ganks or assistance if you need it, and try to coordinate your movements with your jungler and mid laner.
Freeze whenever possible.
Whtat is Freezing?
Freezing a wave in League of Legends refers to the act of controlling the location of a minion wave in order to gain an advantage in lane. There are a few different ways to freeze a wave, depending on your champion and playstyle. Here are some general tips on how to freeze a wave:
Last-hit minions carefully: By only killing the minions that are about to die, you can prevent the wave from pushing towards your tower. This is called "last-hitting," and it's an important skill to master in League of Legends.
Use abilities to kill minions: Some champions have abilities that can kill minions quickly, such as AoE (area of effect) spells or single target damage spells. Use these abilities to kill minions and keep the wave at a manageable size.
Deny minions: If you can't last-hit a minion, you can try to attack it enough so that it doesn't give gold or experience to the enemy when it dies. This is called "denying," and it's a good way to keep the wave from pushing too far.
Use turrets to your advantage: If the wave is pushing towards your tower, let the turret kill the minions for you. This will keep the wave from getting too big, and it will also give you time to recover any lost health or mana.
Coordinate with your jungler: If you're struggling to freeze the wave, try to coordinate with your jungler to get some extra help. They can come and kill some minions, or even apply some pressure to the enemy laner to give you an advantage.
Remember, freezing a wave takes practice and patience. It's not always easy, but it's a useful skill to have in your arsenal. With time and practice, you'll get better at freezing waves and controlling the lane.
Don't overextend: Try to stay within the range of your turret, as this will make it harder for the enemy top laner to kill you and take your tower. Only go out to farm or trade with the enemy when you have an advantage.
Trade wisely: When you do decide to trade with the enemy top laner, try to do so at times when you have an advantage, such as when you have more minions, or when your abilities are off cooldown and theirs are not.
Know your limits: Don't be afraid to back off if you're losing a trade or if the enemy top laner is getting the upper hand. It's better to retreat and regroup than to keep fighting and die.
Use your abilities effectively: Each champion has their own unique abilities, so make sure to use them to your advantage in lane. For example, if you're playing a champion with a lot of sustained damage, try to hit the enemy with your abilities as often as possible.
Communicate with your team: Top lane can be a lonely place, but it's important to stay connected with your team and let them know what's happening in your lane. Call for ganks or assistance if you need it, and try to coordinate your movements with your jungler and mid laner.
Freeze whenever possible.
Whtat is Freezing?
Freezing a wave in League of Legends refers to the act of controlling the location of a minion wave in order to gain an advantage in lane. There are a few different ways to freeze a wave, depending on your champion and playstyle. Here are some general tips on how to freeze a wave:
Last-hit minions carefully: By only killing the minions that are about to die, you can prevent the wave from pushing towards your tower. This is called "last-hitting," and it's an important skill to master in League of Legends.
Use abilities to kill minions: Some champions have abilities that can kill minions quickly, such as AoE (area of effect) spells or single target damage spells. Use these abilities to kill minions and keep the wave at a manageable size.
Deny minions: If you can't last-hit a minion, you can try to attack it enough so that it doesn't give gold or experience to the enemy when it dies. This is called "denying," and it's a good way to keep the wave from pushing too far.
Use turrets to your advantage: If the wave is pushing towards your tower, let the turret kill the minions for you. This will keep the wave from getting too big, and it will also give you time to recover any lost health or mana.
Coordinate with your jungler: If you're struggling to freeze the wave, try to coordinate with your jungler to get some extra help. They can come and kill some minions, or even apply some pressure to the enemy laner to give you an advantage.
Remember, freezing a wave takes practice and patience. It's not always easy, but it's a useful skill to have in your arsenal. With time and practice, you'll get better at freezing waves and controlling the lane.
How to play Tahm Kench in general
Tahm Kench is a tanky support champion who excels in protecting his allies and disrupting the enemy team. His kit includes a stun, a slow, and a unique ultimate that allows him to transport an ally to a chosen location.
As Tahm Kench, your main role is to protect your allies, especially your carries. Use your W (Thick Skin) to absorb damage for yourself and your allies, and your E (Tongue Lash) to stun and slow enemies who are attacking your allies.
Your Q (Devour) is a versatile ability that allows you to consume minions, monsters, and even enemy champions. You can use it to absorb damage for yourself, or to swallow an enemy and remove them from a fight. When using Devour on an enemy champion, try to aim for squishy targets who are out of position, as it will be easier to kill them while they are inside your belly.
Your ultimate, R (Abyssal Voyage), is a powerful tool that allows you to transport an ally to a chosen location on the map. Use it to quickly rotate to objectives, or to bring an ally out of a dangerous situation. You can also use it to surprise the enemy team by transporting a carry behind their lines and initiating a fight.
Overall, Tahm Kench is a strong pick in most team compositions, as he provides a lot of utility and protection for his allies. Just make sure to communicate with your team and coordinate your movements to maximize your effectiveness.
As Tahm Kench, your main role is to protect your allies, especially your carries. Use your W (Thick Skin) to absorb damage for yourself and your allies, and your E (Tongue Lash) to stun and slow enemies who are attacking your allies.
Your Q (Devour) is a versatile ability that allows you to consume minions, monsters, and even enemy champions. You can use it to absorb damage for yourself, or to swallow an enemy and remove them from a fight. When using Devour on an enemy champion, try to aim for squishy targets who are out of position, as it will be easier to kill them while they are inside your belly.
Your ultimate, R (Abyssal Voyage), is a powerful tool that allows you to transport an ally to a chosen location on the map. Use it to quickly rotate to objectives, or to bring an ally out of a dangerous situation. You can also use it to surprise the enemy team by transporting a carry behind their lines and initiating a fight.
Overall, Tahm Kench is a strong pick in most team compositions, as he provides a lot of utility and protection for his allies. Just make sure to communicate with your team and coordinate your movements to maximize your effectiveness.
Very hard lane if the vayne knows what shes doing. She can easily kite you and denie ur engage eith her e. Try to play safe, let her push and hope for your jungle. Dont let her proc her w because it does wayyyyyy to much damage.
Just ban him.
Play a bit more save and try to poke him down with q when he goes for cs.
When you hit level 6 you can try to go for the kill if he isnt ahead of you.
Annoying Rat. Wait until he used q then run him down.
Dont fight until level 3. Dont underestimate his e range. If he wastes his w you can engage because it has a 18 second cooldown at level 1. Be aware that if you ult him in his w, you still get the damage. If you dont get hit by his w you should win trades and lane.
He does surprisingly much damage at level 1 with his rage stacked so be cautious.
When you hit level 3 you can look for an all in if he wastes his rage with q but good Tryndameres wont do that. You can punish him whenever he goes for cs. You win longer fights if you q him with full stacked passive for the stun.
When you hit level 6 hold your r for his r and you easily win.
Try to freez the lane to denie him farm. From level 3 you can engage him if you hit him with your w. If you miss it this dog can simply slow you and run away.
You can counter his ult with your ult but aware that you still take the damage from his ult so you can e to avoid the damage.
Dont let him solo sidelane in the late game and you should be fine.
Irelia player generally think they are IrelKing but they usually play like an averager Yasuo otp so you should have no problem letting them hit the 0/10 power spike they are used to. Just try to dodge her e and be dont fight her if she has her passive stacked especially in early game.
Very hard lane if the vayne knows what shes doing. She can easily kite you and denie ur engage eith her e. Try to play safe, let her push and hope for your jungle. Dont let her proc her w because it does wayyyyyy to much damage.
Just ban him.
Play a bit more save and try to poke him down with q when he goes for cs.
When you hit level 6 you can try to go for the kill if he isnt ahead of you.
Annoying Rat. Wait until he used q then run him down.
Dont fight until level 3. Dont underestimate his e range. If he wastes his w you can engage because it has a 18 second cooldown at level 1. Be aware that if you ult him in his w, you still get the damage. If you dont get hit by his w you should win trades and lane.
He does surprisingly much damage at level 1 with his rage stacked so be cautious.
When you hit level 3 you can look for an all in if he wastes his rage with q but good Tryndameres wont do that. You can punish him whenever he goes for cs. You win longer fights if you q him with full stacked passive for the stun.
When you hit level 6 hold your r for his r and you easily win.
Try to freez the lane to denie him farm. From level 3 you can engage him if you hit him with your w. If you miss it this dog can simply slow you and run away.
You can counter his ult with your ult but aware that you still take the damage from his ult so you can e to avoid the damage.
Dont let him solo sidelane in the late game and you should be fine.
Irelia player generally think they are IrelKing but they usually play like an averager Yasuo otp so you should have no problem letting them hit the 0/10 power spike they are used to. Just try to dodge her e and be dont fight her if she has her passive stacked especially in early game.
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