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Recommended Items
Runes: Default
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Draw a Bead (PASSIVE)
Tristana Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Nilah is really annoying to face, since she has her W to deny you stacks of your E. With two dashes having bonus exp on minion kills can catch you offguard with an allout with her ult. Prepare your trigger finger on your ult to disengage.
Same as the threats section, his CC lockdown potential ensures maxing out your E stacks for max damage. Also due to your aggressive playstyle you can use his lantern as the means of escape without spending mana or your W CD to escape.
Same as the threats section, his CC lockdown potential ensures maxing out your E stacks for max damage. Also due to your aggressive playstyle you can use his lantern as the means of escape without spending mana or your W CD to escape.
I've been playing league since season 3, at peek I was in Diamond 1 maining ADC. seeing some rise in popularity of league in the past few weeks in league due to worlds. might share some insight in how to play adc in Tristana's aggressive playstyle. Unfortunately my ranked decayed due to IRL responsibilities but fundamentals are still here.
Speciality: Destroys enemy squishies tanks and towers alike Why pick tristana over other ADC's? Tristana specializes either playing a safe early game to scale to late game or getting quick resets with her W to net some easy gold in the early game. Even small in size her firepower says otherwise |
Champion specific matchups
Tips and tricks
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