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Ryze Build Guide by Trisend3

Middle *SEASON 14* Challenger RYZE Guide - Trisend3

Middle *SEASON 14* Challenger RYZE Guide - Trisend3

Updated on September 8, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Trisend3 Build Guide By Trisend3 17 1 66,843 Views 2 Comments
17 1 66,843 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Trisend3 Ryze Build Guide By Trisend3 Updated on September 8, 2024
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Runes: Standard

1 2
Phase Rush
Manaflow Band

Biscuit Delivery
Jack of all Trades

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Ideal Strong Ok Low None

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*SEASON 14* Challenger RYZE Guide - Trisend3

By Trisend3
My name is Trisend3. I've been Challenger playing Ryze for three seasons now (s11-s13)
I have informative and educational gameplay with Ryze on my stream

I have thousands of games on Ryze and played him at the highest elos and here to help other people wanting to pick him up and also was Rank 1 Ryze world
Phase Rush is very important on Ryze allows you to play more aggressive in lane to escape ganks and for good trades. Also allows split pushing if you don't have R or they have CC that stops your R

Manaflow Band Almost always go this it scales with Ryze and helps with mana early (your E flux can proc it when you hit a minion and it touches a champion!)

Transcendence Really only choice is Transcendence or celerity, more so personal choice but I think the Transcendence is just the stronger rune overall cooldown helps a lot on Ryze

Scorch Creates pressure in lane to help with your weak laning phase

Biscuit Delivery Gives you needed sustain and lane and gives you extra mana. The early mana can save you or secure you a kill when you are close to out of mana and you bait the enemy into thinking you have no mana then you pop a Biscuit Delivery.

Jack of all Trades Gives you early CDR and evetually gives you +10 AP. Mostly using for the ability haste becasue RoA doesn't give you any haste this rune is nice for that.
Playing the early game
This is gonna depend on two things, Matchup and enemy jungler. If they have a easy matchup mid but a early ganking jungler you can't play aggressive and have to try to keep the wave on your side. Your main goal is TO NOT DIE, it is very important to not give over kills early sack cs if you have to it's not bad to lose cs as long as you get the xp. If the matchup is easy and jungler is a farming one feel free to play more aggressive make sure you're keeping up in cs and work towards your ROA. Also if the enemy is playing super safe you can look for roams bot or top.
Playing mid - late game
Mid to late game you're gonna want to shove out side waves and look for plays mid with your R while the enemey is getting the side waves. You can usually safely side lane if you have R and they don't have CC. Using your R for picks is gonna be very important so always look out for them. If your team is super far behind just take all the jungler camps and just keep side laning grouping will most likely be a bad idea but not always.
Final tips and advice
Ryze has a high skill celling and will take a lot of games to be proficent at so don't be discouraged if you don't get the hang of him after a lot of games.

Some geneal tips and mechanics:

- Your E will bounce of the minions and give you a mana flow band stack when it hits the enemy champion and it doesn't draw aggro use this to get early stacks without messing up the wave.

- Your W and E are auto attack range and they will all draw minion agro be carefull when attacking the champion the minions often do more damdge then champions early on

- Your R (realm warp) will take you based on where you're standing on it so move accordingly, also if you're inside of a wall with your R it will take you over the wall so use this to your advantage. Also if you recall in your realm warp it won't take you.

Final tip - always use realm warp into enemy fountain (joke... but not really)

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Trisend3
Trisend3 Ryze Guide
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*SEASON 14* Challenger RYZE Guide - Trisend3

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