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[SEASON 14] In Battle We Are Reborn | Pantheon Build Guide
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Runes: Best Rune Page (Top, Mid) [READ NOTES FOR EACH PAGE]
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Scorchclaw Smite
Ability Order Pantheon W Max 2nd
Mortal Will (PASSIVE)
Pantheon Passive Ability
Mortal Will (PASSIVE)
Pantheon Passive Ability
Mortal Will (PASSIVE)
Pantheon Passive Ability
Mortal Will (PASSIVE)
Pantheon Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
She's hard to lane against, if you're going against her in the mid lane go for PTA also get a corrupting potion start or LS Refill. If she's good she'll poke you a lot if she doesn't then you should be fine to farm, if you dodge her CC that is your chance to go in. Pretty much dodging skill shots and taking the least ammount of poke possible is the most you can do, E her R or whatever you find you need to E. careful about her spacing and zoning
Since your W puts you right infront of her your basically place yourself in the perfect spot for her to place Tibers and hit you with her stun. Its a super hard lane. Just farm and go for roams. You most likely can kill her pre six if she doesnt space you. You can try to force early fights in the river as her pre six isn't too strong.
Pretty much the same lux counter play, avoid poke, dodge skillshots, take PTA, LS refill or CPOTS. You win all in's assuming you dont just eat all their abilities. She can easily space and zone you so be careful.
Rough poke matchup, take dorans shield or CPOTS and hope for the best. Pta is good if you manage to even trade with her, once she shoots out her E, W her once its about to reach max distance and then she wont be able to teleport.
She just bursts you down 10x faster then you could even try to very hard matchup. Wait for jungle gank do your best to no engage fights or take poke.
More of a skill matchup. Save your W for when she dashes at you. Poke her early, dodge her Q's and E her R explosion thingy.
If he's smart he'll play the ranged poke game as he far outranges you, if he doesn't take advantage of his poke and plays close you will most likely destroy him. Just try your best to dodge his skill shots and thats really the best you can do
Its somewhat even. If shes smart and can play Kat there's a high chance she can destroy you, but if you play it smart you can just as easily outplay her. More of a skill/brain matchup. She still has the slightest edge over you with all her mobility. Make sure to counter roam her. When she dashes into you or onto a dagger go for a quick W trade. PTA or conq work here I personally take PTA
Careful for his roams, try to counter roam with R, you pretty much beat him in all fights, dodge his W throw and pull back, block his passive with E. You win trades with him that way.
If his E is up be careful about using W, but if it is down trade with him. His quick trades and early trades are really strong so be cautious about that. E his E if he jumps on you after he Q's you can W him. Try your best to not miss Q's. You outpoke him completely.
Honestly just dont feed him, respect his range advantage. I personally take PTA into him. Go for a trade with him and you will most likely beat him in all ins. If he can space and zone you it gets really rough but you have enough gank setup and can cancel his rope swing with W.
You beat him in trades for the most part, try to E really any of his abilities, you have a wider range ult so that will serve to your utility, he can also counter gank/ult so if he does ult first try to follow up and ult after him. Outroaming him is key, he is better in teamfight late game so try to put him in the dirt early. You beat him in 1v1's for the most part unless he just outplays or stacks alot of armor.
She'll typically be very predictable, she isn't much of a counter just a very annoying champion to fight and lane against. Just play it smart and try to dodge her sleep and if you do get hit by it E right before you fall asleep to block her Q
Try your best to dodge her Q's. If she too close you could go in for a trade just be careful of her charm, make sure to dodge it. She pokes you pretty well so once again avoid her Q and W's. You win all ins assuming you dodge her abilities.
Dr. Mundo
Early lane isn't much of a challenge, but after 6 he'll start to outscale you and become extremely tanky. Try your best to shut him down pre six.
Like Mundo, out scales you but you can shred him early.
His blind makes it almost impossible to trade, try to figure out when his blind is down then go for an engage otherwise you won't really win any fights. He's easy gold after his blind is down. Though her harrases you hard in lane phase. Get sweeper post 6.
He can easily outplay you and just destroy you completely. If you use your W on the wrong wukong you 99% of the time probably will lose the fight. Try to save your W for when his clone is down or when you know who is who. He wins early against you almost everytime. Also his passive makes it almost impossible to have extended trades without losing.
If you shut him down early and deny him stacks you should be able to win lane. But if you don't do a good job of it he'll just scale up and destroy you post 6.
Her mobility and ult make it very hard to fight her, try your best to avoid her from going in for a Q trade. You can stun her mid Q but quite hard to do, try not to do a predictable W from max range cause then she can easily parry it. E your vital spots if she's dashing towards one. As far as build goes I personally go eclipse into her and PTA or Conq both work, I honestly have no idea which is better.
He far outscales you as a tank and can most likely shred you post level 8. As far as laning goes if hes building straight health go rush BORK, if hes building resistances go for Black Cleaver Rush. Merc treads is best here. As long as he isn't given a free lane to farm and teamfight you just win. He is much better then you in teamfights and later game but if you're fed you can literally delete him. If you can't get fed welp good luck. Conqueror is your best friend into him
More of a skill matchup but she can kill you quite easily try your best to bait out her moves.
He's one of your biggest threats as early on its quite hard to trade with him because of his auto attack slow and his Q poke. His shield makes it hard to win against him in the poking game. If you're going to trade q's with eachother try to have a empowered Q and probably take scorch for better trades. Conqueror is probably best here. He becomes immortal if you allow him to farm and scale, you really just have to try your best to kill him and get fed without giving him cs leads and item leads. Rush Black Cleaver into him, BORK can serve effective but thats up to you to decide as he does have alot of armor.
You can't really fight this guy, If you go for a W + Q trade he just flings you into his poison and you get absolutely demolished, his wave clear is better then yours, he farms better. His ground doesn't allow you to W. He can also proxy which makes it even worse for you. Overall you can't fight him effectively and he just scales so hard. Really all you can do is farm the best you can, roam elsewhere and get kills, wait for jungle to come gank you top.
Tahm Kench
Really rough if you can't dodge Q's. If you dodge his Q's fights become in your favour. You can W his dive ability, if you find his shielding to be too much serpents is never a bad idea, if he rushes armor take rush Black Cleaver if he rushes health rush BORK. Merc treads and Conqueror are the best here, dodge his dive ability and his Q's and you should win. His extended trades and early game are very good and are not a force to be messed with.
You beat him in most all in's try to E his Q autos if you can, his early levels are actually quite decent so don't underestimate him. Conqueror is good here do not empowered W ontop of his W or you'll just miss the 3 autos. Don't shove wave into his tower as he can very easily outplay you and/or taunt you while jungler ganks. Rush black cleaver if he rushes armor and rush BORK if he rushes health.
This is the ultimate testament of skill I find. You have to play off fights super well or you just lose. Don't get zoned off wave Level 1, Q poke him and do not take trades with him. Once you're 2 you can level W and one shot him if hes around 50-65% assuming you've poked him that hard. W his Q or just dodge it in general, try not to get pulled in. Conq or PTA both work here, I've tried both still dunno which is better. E HIS R > The biggest counter play you can do, he might try to R early so you don't expect it so expect the unexpected. Plated Steelcaps are best here, you can pretty much take whatever items you want, just make sure to take Black cleaver if he has armor and you can take bork if he has no armor
Honestly its just annoying... you poke the man and then he walks away and heals it all and thing is you don't have high mana reserves on pantheon so you just kinda run out of mana if you try to poke him. So pretty much just farm and you can beat him in fights pretty easily if played correctly. Pre 6 you always wanna E his E then after 6 you typically wanna E his R. If he is stupid and doesn't try to backoff to heal from your poke then just all in him and murder him. If you can freeze on your side and poke him away and zone him from wave that would be good. You can try to stop his healing by throwing your Q at him but careful as it gets a high CD. Conqueror I think is best, buy whatever items you find nessacary.
I don't have much to say about this lane as I never go against any good renekton players. I like to E his W. If he tries to E into you just W him and trade, PTA or Conqueror both work, PTA is better if hes going lethality and conq is better if hes going bruiser so use your inner senses to predict what build hes gonna go. You can actually go Boneplating into this so his W has no effect on you but it is quite redundant as you do have the E for that. Careful of his lvl 6 power spike. Any build goes into him really I think eclipse into bork or black cleaver is good.
He pokes you pre 3, but after that if he can't space you well just jump on him and beat the shit out of him, he will continually smack you away after you do your trade but he'll be very low so you can flash on him or do whatever you need to kill him. Try not to take alot of poke. Take PTA for quick trades. If he does somehow get ahead of you or roams and gets kills try to E his E + Q in ranged form or E his Q in Melee form. If you are taking a quick trade and expect him to Melee form E you (the smack away) you can E predict and he'll hit you away and you wont take damage.
If she has lethal tempo her lvl 1 is OP asf, if she takes some other shitty rune don't be afraid to trade with her lvl 1. Try not to get hit by her poke tools early on, abuse her pre six, get a lead, get some early lethality or any damage and just snowball tf out of that lane. Good kayles will be able to space you very well so be careful of that
When he Q + E's ontop of you W him and walk away from the stun, you dont even win all ins with him when he has 6 unless you're really ahead, When his E + Q are down you can trade with him fairly well.
Respect his level 1-2, get 3 if he has Boneplating pop it and trade with him Dodge his Q3. Steel caps is really good here, you outpoke him, sidestep Q's in fights.
same counter play as yone. Respect his level 1-2, get 3 if he has Boneplating pop it and trade with him Dodge his Q3. Steel caps is really good here, you outpoke him, sidestep Q's in fights. If he has tornado up what you can do is right before its about to go down or you feel he's about to use it W him so he can't use it at all.
Very hard to lane against, there isn't much you can do. She isn't exactly great at killing you she just does the support role better and sets up kills better for her ADC. If shes dumb she'll start to step up if she does this thats when you go in with your ADC. She's very annoying overall honestly the counter play is try to kill their adc and hope your adc is good enough to do that.
He's just another one of those champs where you build that same anti tank crap, rush black cleaver if he rushes armor or rush bork if he rushes health. Merc treads and Conq are best here. Careful of his saplings. His gank setup is great so be careful of that. You win early trades.
Can easily outrange you, but if she doesn't do so you can easily kill her. Her healing becomes outrageous later on and really counters your in fights as you cant one shot nor can you even put a dent on people, so sometimes its not a bad idea to kill soraka first thing but talk to ur adc about that first.
Just a hard lane pick and he just does the support role better than you in teamfights and in lane. Dodge his hook and try to predict when hes gonna R so you can E it. Yeah thats really it just dont get hooked lmao.
You beat her in 1v1's, her utility is just really good. Dodge her roots, and dont stand ontop of her W, you can E while you're rooted so do that if you're getting attacked while you're rooted. Don't W on her curse shield and yeah thats really it.
Sidestep the knockup, try not to take too much poke, if you find that you're indefinitely gonna get hit by her Q you can E a milisecond before it lands and tank all the damage they send at you. Dodge her R. You can one shot her fairly easily.
Just an annoying lane pick, should be able to defeat him in 2v2's in the bot lane. Avoid his knockup, W his adc rather then him unless you're forced to. He does have much more utility in team fights and such so just slow down his item spikes and try to get fed so you can one shot him and the adc
Just super frickin annoying, I dont even know the counter play other then E her Q's and her root since she'll prolly shoot you with a q after that.
Malphite R into your stun
Can skirmish with you very well and just chain cc with this guys Q3 and R
Twisted Fate
Double the roams, plus yellow card into your cc
Chain CC with this guy
If he revives you in a fight and your team is still fighting, assuming you have R you can just come straight back to the fight. Its oddly specific but it does work.
You can setup your stun for his stun dome thing.
He pulls in and you can stun.
Great CC chain and early skirmish power.
Jarvan IV
Both of you are great early skirmishers and you basically cannot lose 2v2's, you also have a good cc setup.
Hook into your stun, you can also burst super quickly for his R.
Lee Sin
You can stun for his Q, and you also skirmish extremely well with him.
You ult, he ults. Simple as that.
Insane CC chain and good gank setup.
Malphite R into your stun
Can skirmish with you very well and just chain cc with this guys Q3 and R
Twisted Fate
Double the roams, plus yellow card into your cc
Chain CC with this guy
If he revives you in a fight and your team is still fighting, assuming you have R you can just come straight back to the fight. Its oddly specific but it does work.
You can setup your stun for his stun dome thing.
He pulls in and you can stun.
Great CC chain and early skirmish power.
Jarvan IV
Both of you are great early skirmishers and you basically cannot lose 2v2's, you also have a good cc setup.
Hook into your stun, you can also burst super quickly for his R.
Lee Sin
You can stun for his Q, and you also skirmish extremely well with him.
You ult, he ults. Simple as that.
Insane CC chain and good gank setup.
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