Start w , take ignite or ghost , look for kills early , after lvl 6 buy anti heal , if u manage to kill him 2 times before lvl 6 start with ruined king otherwise start with stridebreaker
Take tp and play tank , you cant kill her on lane so just focus on farm , after min 10 look for tp on drake to help your team as much as u can
take ignite if u can manage to win lane early , i personally recommend stridebreaker build , look for E when she is in E , try to block her true dmg Q with your W
Easy lane , take conq and tp , start with black cleaver and then stridebreaker , you can use your W when he ults if u are lucky , you can dodge his q with your ult
TAKE IGNITE , start doran blade ,you have to play if perfect , first kill decides the lanes winner. First item ruined king , start with W then E, at lvl 2 try to fight him and use E+W combo when u are full Grit , after lvl 6 ONLY USE W IF DARIUS IS USING ULT
Dr. Mundo
take conq and tp , after 6 buy anti heal , try to E+R if he has passive
take ignite and conq , rush bramble vest then go for boots and then ruined king , try to stay near walls and use W only on E+W combos
annoying champion , start with doran shield , take tp and conq , rush plated steelcaps and then stride breaker
take ignite and conq , start doran shield , at lvl 2 use E+W , Garen has no mobility so on lane try to E him back to you if he is trying to run , after 6 try to use W when he ults
almost impossible in emerald+ , take tp and conq or fleet footwork , rush plated steelcaps , if he transforms u must dodge his W or you are dead , try to bait his mega gnar transformation on your turret
take tp and doran blade , max your W , go for the general build but if the enemy team has a lot of ap you can buy Force of Nature second or third item , focus on farm
ignite,conq , rush ruined king , after 6 buy executioners . try to take kills early , later she will outscale so focus on farm
take tp and doran blade , rush boots and then buy hp , max w and use your w before he launch his E stun ,after 6 dont try to force fights with him , first full item must be stridebreaker
start doran blade and ignite , rush plated steelcaps , you can actually use W if he is using E and you will still land it . buy stridebreaker and after 6 try to all in him
tp and doran blade , take conq , start black cleaver , focus on farm he will just outscale you
take ghost , fleet footwork , rust mercurial and then stridebreaker and pray for a better team
take doran blade, choose between ignite or ghost , first item rush boots of swiftness and then stridebreaker , after lvl 6 use W only on E+W combo
start with doran shield take fleetfootwork and ghost , buy stridebreaker and focus on farm
take ignite and doran blade , focus on farm and rush boots , use W only if he is dismounted , dont try to all in , if u are behind buy sterak first item
take grasp and max w , take tp and doran blade , just focus on farm and buy first item black cleaver
you will be stucked on top with him , try to freeze early as much as you can , before 6 fight him with any occasion, after 6 take longer fights to make him use him ult
take ignite , start doran blade , you must kill him before he can go B , if u manage to kill him first go for ruined king , after lvl 6 be carefull about his ult
just fight him lvl 2 , take ignite and doran blade, rush ruined king , after 6 make sure to land W or he will kill you
take tp and doran blade , rush black cleaver , you will dominate the lane so freeze as much as you can , after 6 you can ult him when he is about to ult
take tp and doran blade , try to use W only on E+W , rush plated steelcaps
you can go grasp , black cleaver first item
take fleetfootwork , ghost and doran shield, rush plated steelcaps and stridebreaker
take tp and doran blade , conq , rush plated steelcaps , if u managed to win lane early buy ruined king otherwise buy sterak first item , try to e+w if u have the occasion , his E+W+Q+E combo is annyoing
take tp and conq doran blade ,rush plated steelcaps and fight him lvl 2
below diamond she in no danger, just buy plated steelcaps and stride breaker , after diamond the lane is unwinnable , just rush plated steelcaps and focus on farm , go for the stridebreaker build
mercurial , stridebreaker , FOA , just try to freeze near your turret
Take tp , doran blade, conq , dont fight him lvl 1 , after 6 start split push if he is ulting ult , try to always push him
unplayable lane diamond+ , rush boots of switftness and stridebreaker , you can also take ghost , he will proxy first wave
take tp and doran blade , always use E when he is about to land Q , black cleaver is very effective if he is going tank
Tahm Kench
take tp , conq, go for black cleaver, try to dodge q and keep ult for when he is ulting you inside his turret so you can escape
pray for a better team , take ghost or tp , start doran shield , you need stridebreaker , try to farm
take ignite , doran blade , max Q , dont fight him lvl 1 , at lvl 2 all in him and when you are high on GRIT just E+W him and take the kill, rush ruined king
take tp , doran blade,conq, rust warden mail and boots , after lvl 6 try to run from him as much as possible when he ults , keep W for insta kills or to survive his ult
take tp and doran blade , fight him lvl 2 , rush warden mail and boots
START PRAYING, take doran shield , ghost or tp , rush boots and then stridebreaker , after 6 you can all in her if you have flash
keep w for his all in , take tp and doran blade , max w and try to survive
take ignite , doran blade , conq , fight him only on lvl 2 if u can insta with W , get anti heal fast , at lvl 6 spam your jungler to come because ww is free kill
take tp and doran blade , rush boots and then stride breaker ,if he is running with his W you can actually use FLASH+E to stun him on this clone and kill him , at lvl 6 he can insta you , just farm you will outscale
take ignite, doran blade , conq , fight him lvl 2 , max q
take ignite,doran blade , fight at lvl 2 , max q , below master this should be a very easy lane , rush ruined king
take tp , you can rush ruined king if you are confident , after lvl 6 try to kill maiden first
take ignite , doran blade , rush mercurial and then anti heal
Hi im Dio Sett , otp Sett nearly 800k points , i just hit Master and i want to show you how you can improve at this game with this champion , right now im #117 sett in the world and #17 on EUNE
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