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Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Shen Passive Ability
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If its me you lost, honestly this is pure a pure skill match up on who is the better Ninja.
Me And Who I am
Alright the Good Stuff Okay let me get this out there this build is wierd I know and its gonna get a bit more stranger, when you start grab Hunters talismen and a rejuvenation bead this will give you 5.1 Heath Regen or 7.1 at lower heath you get alot more from it gold wise and helps your sustain in the jungle
Now Im sure you can figure out the other items but what about rage blade what is that doing here Honestly I get it for fun but its effects work great with shens Q, Rage blade Every other basic attack will trigger on-hit effects an additional time. Now shens Q is a buffed auto attack therefore with rage blades passive you will do about 12% max heath damage twice plus your Qs other effects plus in longer fights your Q will grow stonger from Rageblades enhancements in AP, AD, And AS.
Also Sabre because its the best NEVER FORGET TO SMITE IN DUELS!
Now Im sure you can figure out the other items but what about rage blade what is that doing here Honestly I get it for fun but its effects work great with shens Q, Rage blade Every other basic attack will trigger on-hit effects an additional time. Now shens Q is a buffed auto attack therefore with rage blades passive you will do about 12% max heath damage twice plus your Qs other effects plus in longer fights your Q will grow stonger from Rageblades enhancements in AP, AD, And AS.
Also Sabre because its the best NEVER FORGET TO SMITE IN DUELS!
The Map for some Reason wont show up so Right click and open it in a new tab
Green Is where you start after that fallow and clear the marked camps for the first clear also use your Q as much as possible and dont forget your W to prevent unnecessary damage (Yes I know the map looks like ****)
Green Is where you start after that fallow and clear the marked camps for the first clear also use your Q as much as possible and dont forget your W to prevent unnecessary damage (Yes I know the map looks like ****)
First thanks for checking the Guide
Tip 1 Ult team mates stay aware off them after all your ult it insanely powerfull
Tip 2 If your team mates Hesitate DO NOT SHADOW DASH Unless your Fed and can destroy anyone
Tip 3 Your invade is strong against weak early game junglers
Tip 4 Your Ganks can be God like with shadow dash
Tip 5 Simple Combo E Q W
Tip 6 Gank Mid Top or even Bot a Level 3 its unexpected but with your kit you will take little damage and come out with a kill and a grateful lane making the road to victory much closer!
Tip 1 Ult team mates stay aware off them after all your ult it insanely powerfull
Tip 2 If your team mates Hesitate DO NOT SHADOW DASH Unless your Fed and can destroy anyone
Tip 3 Your invade is strong against weak early game junglers
Tip 4 Your Ganks can be God like with shadow dash
Tip 5 Simple Combo E Q W
Tip 6 Gank Mid Top or even Bot a Level 3 its unexpected but with your kit you will take little damage and come out with a kill and a grateful lane making the road to victory much closer!
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