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Akali Build Guide by Shevensen

Shevensen's Bloodsoaked Akali

Shevensen's Bloodsoaked Akali

Updated on March 5, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shevensen Build Guide By Shevensen 2,591 Views 7 Comments
2,591 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shevensen Akali Build Guide By Shevensen Updated on March 5, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Akali
  • LoL Champion: Akali


This is my build to Akali

This is a hybrid build, AD early game, AP late.
It is my own build. and i do not give any one else credit. i am proud of this.
this build maximizes survivability early, mid, and late game. it allows you to counter most champions.

i Garentee with this build you will be one of the top 2 damage dealers, if not THE top.

how ever if you're REALLY having such a hard time with being focused since everyone and their mother hates Akali, then start building tanky, cause a Tanky akali is just as good as the best Carry Akali
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are the best choices for akali you can ult to them under the tower for the kill then flash out. and if you need a little bit of an edge with ANYTHING from a 1v1 to baron, you got ignite. other good choices are teleport, or exhaust... but other then that everything else really becomes useless, unless your jungling then i guess you could Smite if you wanted.

other Summoner spells that work well on Akali are Teleport, Ghost, Exhaust, and Surge, but in general Flash is her greatest SS choice. With the initiability of her ulti she needs some escape, or some more chase;].

basically, take Flash no mater what, everything else is how you might be feeling.
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attack speed, and ap, with this build you dont need much else.
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yyou can either mid, lane, or jungle with this build, thats why i love it so much, but the whole point is to really gank.

to start off grab Dorans blade right off the bat no matter what, with ap in the runes, you first passive is already active, but getting the Dorans Blade, seriously, no joke best starter item ever for akali. it gives you lifesteal, hp, ad, and activates your passive giving you some spellvamp.

next stay out as long as you can both farming and harrasing with your mark of the assassin. just try to stay out long enough for you to go back and get sorcerer boots. (sorcerer boots cause magic pen is your best friend. it makes your ult and your mark hit harder, no brainer.)

you should also be getting the amplifying tomb to turn into the Sheen

and the Vampiric Scepter to turn into a Blood thirster

some people get a Hextech Gunblade on Akali, and pre-nerfed gunblade i completely agreed, hell you could stack them, what is so wrong with that?

but then it got nerfed, only gives 20% spellvamp, 40 AD 70 AP, and 15% lifesteal. and is nolonger stackable. Obviously it still a good item, but with this build you end up getting just as much, if not more, spellvamp from the Bloodthirster alone.

then get a Phage and a Zeal to turn that Sheen into a Trinity Force

this now makes up 4 items and you are ESSENCIALLY unkillable.

grab a Giant's Belt ASAP now,

turn that into a Rylai's Crystal Scepter

then a Rabadon's Deathcap to put you into hyperdrive.

then a Guardian Angel to completely stop dying.

after this point you should be getting EVERY CONSUMABLE POSSIBLE i'm not talking about just getting the Oracles, i mean get a blue pot, a green pot, a red pot, and oracles, and dont stop buying them, your build is full, these push you to the max of your potential, and some people forget to buy them after their build is done, and imho this is what separates decent players, from amazing players.
Your end build should look like this
Guardian Angel Sorcerer's Shoes Trinity Force Bloodthirster Rylai's Crystal Scepter Rabadon's Deathcap
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There exists an ancient order originating in the Ionian Isles dedicated to the preservation of balance. Order, chaos, light, darkness -- all things must exist in perfect harmony for such is the way of the universe. This order is known as the Kinkou and it employs a triumvirate of shadow warriors to uphold its causes in the world. Akali is one of these shadow warriors, entrusted with the sacred duty of Pruning the Tree - eliminating those who threaten the equilibrium of Valoran.

A prodigal martial artist, Akali began training with her mother as soon as she could make a fist. Her mother's discipline was relentless and unforgiving, but predicated on the fundamental principle: ''We do that which must be done.'' When the Kinkou inducted her into the order at the age of fourteen, she could slice a dangling chain with a chop of her hand. There was no question - she would succeed her mother as the Fist of Shadow. She has had to do much in this role which others might find morally questionable, but to her it is in service of her mother's inviolable doctrine. She now works with her fellows Shen and Kennen to enforce the balance of Valoran. This hallowed pursuit has unsurprisingly led the triumvirate to the Fields of Justice.

''The Fist of Shadow strikes from the cover of death itself. Do not impede the balance.''
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Skill Sequence

Akali's Q is her main damage, no mater what build, and with this build it is no different. Since it also increases its damage with your auto attack.

get and max your Q first,
E second
get your shroud by 4, dont max till 18.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Escaping Certain Death

Akali's [Twilight Shroud] is a great escape mechanism, it gives uncertainty to your next move and allows you to sneak away due to its TIMED stealth, so you are stealthed for aprox. 1 second after leaving the shroud

When being chased try to through the shroud in places that you can escape multiple ways, like having a small part of the shroud going into another path, cast shroud BUT STAY IN IT AS LONG AS YOU CAN. seriously this gives the miss direction and confusion that you want.

next after they believe that you went one way, run the other way, trying to dip into another bush before your stealth runs up.
this next part is a bit tricky: since they think you are going to try to run back to your base. run towards their's a bit and B in a bush. this should all be done both carefully and as fast as possible.


say the enemy team is chasing you towards baron, you should head straight to the wall and place the stealth, but NOT JUMP OVER, the enemy team will assume you have gone over since you went straight for the wall.

Akali's Shroud gives a timed stealth, so you are stealthed for aprox. 1 second after leaving the shroud
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you can either mid, lane, or jungle with this build, thats why i love it so much, but the whole point is to really gank.

to start off grab Dorans blad right off the bat no matter what, with ap in the runes, you first passive is already active, but getting the Dorans Blade, seriously, no joke best starter item ever for akali. it gives you lifesteal, hp, ad, and activates your passive giving you some spellvamp.

next stay out as long as you can both farming and harrasing with your mark of the assassin. just try to stay out long enough for you to go back and get sorcerer boots. (sorcerer boots cause magic pen is your best friend. it makes your ult and your mark hit harder, no brainer.)

2 Doran blades give you aprox 9% spellvamp, 6% lifesteal, 200 HP, and 20 AD and allow you to have more survivability then other builds.

some people get a gunblade on akali, and prenerf i completely agreed, hell you could stack them, what is so wrong with that?

but then it got nerfed, and is nolonger stackable. so why get it?
well obviously it still a good item, but with this build you end up getting just as much, if not more, spellvamp from the Blood thirster alone.

then acquire the Phage before the sheen since you are already more AD based anyway.
then the sheen, then turn them into the Trinity Force.

this now makes up 5 items and you are unkillable.

grab a Giants belt ASAP now,

turn that into a Rylai's

then a Deathcap.

then a Gaurdian angel to completely stop dying.

after this point you should be getting EVERY CONSUMABLE POSSIBLE i'm not talking about just getting the Oracles, i mean get a blue pot, a green pot, a red pot, and oracles, and dont stop buying them, your build is full, these push you to the max of your potential, and some people forget to buy them after their build is done, and imho this is what separates decent players, from amazing players.
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Pros / Cons

Pros of this build:
hard to counter.
massive damage.
insane survivability
able to take 1v1 even the tankiest champions.


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Creeping / Jungling

Laning pre 6 is easy as last hitting all minions you can to get your ulti, dont try to hit the champs, unless they are low, they will win.

at 6 you should have a blood thirster, or at least a Vampiric scepter.
jungle either way, cause if you dont, you want to get it, and you do you want to stack it.
plus you have the buff lengthener. and you need to get your BT stacked to maximize damage.

when the BT is fully stacked you dont NEED to jungle, but get the buffs anyway.
everytime you die: go back, get those stacks.

when the BT is fully stacked, Q>AA onehits a minion.
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Team Work

lay back, dont die, DO DAMAGE, RUUUUUUUUN, turn back, DO DAMAGE!
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Did i mention that you should never give a **** if your gonna ks with Akali? well you shouldn't.

seriously, you'll end up carrying the team to the nexus if you dont care, and sometimes aim for it.
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