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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by MUNDOMAIN

Tank Short Unkillable/Fun Mundo Build [S4]

Tank Short Unkillable/Fun Mundo Build [S4]

Updated on December 14, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MUNDOMAIN Build Guide By MUNDOMAIN 7,499 Views 0 Comments
7,499 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MUNDOMAIN Dr. Mundo Build Guide By MUNDOMAIN Updated on December 14, 2013
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Hi, my name is DaeNoraa in the NA Server. I play Mundo for fun with my friends all the time. This is my first build and I guess it's okay so far. :) Hope you enjoy it!
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These items are great for splitpushing/teamfights/chasing. They provide speed,tank,and CC. You're basically unkillable when your ult is up. You can get more offensive items like Abyssal Scepter, or more defensive items like another Warmogs :)
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Skill Sequence

For my skills, I usually max my Q first for the harass in early game. The rest is up to your choice. Use your ult wisely thought, it takes out 20% of your current HP so be careful when to use it.
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Overall Mundo is a strong tank that is basically unkillable if you play him right (not just afking) His kit provides him with great poke and movement speed. He's really good at getting assists in teamfights because of his W. If you get enough HP ,you can keep your W on at all times without losing Health. Play him if you're bored and want some fun in your games!
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Ranked Play

I actually don't prefer him in Ranked play because he's not carry potential. He's a fun troll champion but doesn't really bring up that ranked play level.
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Pros / Cons

---- ----
-Pokey - Gets countered by ignite
-Fun - Not good enough for ranked play.
-Super Tanky - Annoying for enemy team for them to rage
-Strong cleaver CC
-Unkillable (If played correctly)
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Against someone who is scary against Mundo play safer with cleavers to last hit.
Against someone who is easy to beat in lane try to harass with cleavers more.

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Mundo can wreck a carry on the enemy team with cleavers, he's a good tank in teamfights, and provide some AOE.
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Well, thats the end of my short guide to Mundo Top Lane. Happy Mundo Games :) Hope you enjoyed, if you did share with your friends!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MUNDOMAIN
MUNDOMAIN Dr. Mundo Guide
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Short Unkillable/Fun Mundo Build [S4]

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