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This may be Master Yi's hardest counter and I ban him every game. If you forget that step try stealing his red early on as most of his power will come from that early game. His e gives him a ton of armor so conq might be the best keystone to deal with him. He usually will take dark harvest so shutting him down early will help stop his play later into the game.
Lee Sin
Despite Lee's iconic early game power, you can pretty much always win duels against him lvl2 so try to invade his blue side after clearing red buff. Use the blast plant to get to his wolves and ward over between his blue and wolves. ambush and kill. this will work most of the time if you SAVE YOUR Q for after he flashes and if he runs to the wall try to q when you think he'll flash over. You'll outscale lee so try to keep up your farm and stay active and gank.
I really hate facing eve but you can invade her blue side after taking red because she isn't strong early at all. Use the blast plant to get to her wolves and ward over between her blue and wolves. ambush and kill. this will work most of the time if you SAVE YOUR Q for after she flashes and if she runs to the wall try to q when you think he'll flash over. She will shit on you when she charms you so just run away if she does. be careful of her dive potential because her ult is very useful as it makes her untargetable. dont focus her in fights because she can ult away.
Camille is a bit anoying to face because her early lvl 2 gank can be very strong and she can snowball easily. she'll beat you at all stages of the game 1v1 besides late and she'll destroy you mid game if she's ahead. Try to get her behind by stealing her camps and counter ganking her when possible.
Xin Zhao
xin is one of the few champs who can duel you early on wothout redbuff so trying to invade is very risky if you dont know where he started. beware of counterganks as he'll most likely get a doublekill. his ult has a windup animation so q his r and you can 1v1 him later into the game. you outscale him by a lot and since he generally fronlines in teamfights just stake your guinsoo's on him and then you'll shred there entier team.
Taliah has a very powerful combo early so try to dodge her w and you should be fine. invades are very easy to do if you have the element of surprise on your side. once your ahead she'll be quite usless lategame so just one shot her in fights to stake rageblade and then kill their squishees.
Good shaco's can make easy work of you late game with an easy oneshot combo so try to W his aa and build some armor or a ga to survive his burst. he's anoying to deal with but since he doesn't get his q lvl 2 try an invade by hiding in his wolve camp or if ur on red team invade his blue side and steal his camps. Just dont feed and keep an eye on the minimap and warn your teamates if he'll gank to keep them safe.
Nidalee is very easy to counter as you can W her burst damage and then burst her when she has all ind you. Dont fight her early thought because she will win every time while on even health. invade if your at max hp and have red buff. also invade if your ahead.
Jax will fuck you early game and mid game. dont invade no matter what. his 1v1 potential is insane and he'll destroy you 1v1. if you happen to get into a skirmish with his dont worry. his e will block all of your damage so try to run away when he e's and go back in when his e is on cd. if you happen to not be able to run away from him, try predicting his e stun and alpha him to dodge it. jax is a great split pusher as well and if you feel that he is too difficult of a matchup he is a fine ban as well as graves.
Invade her early and kill her and steal her camps. her ult is only gunna help you as it lets you stack rageblade for free and after it's duration you'll shred her and her team with a fully stacked rageblade. W her e as it can be a lot of damage. Taking her passive camps will tilt her. trust me. honestly she is one of the easiest matchups in the game for yi.
Rammus is a pain in the ass and his w will fuck you up in fights along with e. avoid him in fights by flashing on his ad carry or q-ing his adc. 1v1 if you are ahead a level or two AND have a few kills up on him because he will win every time if you're even. fight him early if you have a health lead.
His fear is incredibly annoying if you can't dodge it but once you figure out the timing on it, you can 1v1 him easily. W his R and invade him early if you have red buff or you have more hp than him. stealing his camps will set him behind and he'll be a piece of trash if doesn't get kills. warn your team if when he get lvl 6. Ping danger over and over and over cuz you dont want feeding teamates.
Kayn really cant 1v1 you during any stage of the game as long as you have equal or more hp than him. to counter his ult, just w and try to dodge his w with your q. if you do all of this he doesn't stand a chance. try to invade his jungle early. he usually starts raptors and then red so stealing blue is easy after clearing red. save your w for his burst and r because his w will knock you up and cancel yours.
Kha'Zix is difficult to deal with when he's ahead so try denying him jungle camps by invading but try not to feed or the game's pretty much over. W his burst and if he jumps away with e follow with q and kill him. dont get baited by a low hp kha. he can just go invis and juke you until his team arrives.
Jarvan IV
J4 is one of my least favorite champs to face as yi because of his cc and burst. You can w his combo cuz he just knocks u up and u die.try to q his q+e combo and w his r. Be active and gank. invading usually won't work. avoid early and mid game fights.
Trundle is an easy matchup just be careful because his early game is super powerful so don't invade. farm a bunch until midgame and then you can start fighting him and you'll win on even hp. try to gain xp leads to make ganks and fighting easier. imo xp leads are worth more than gold.
jungle panth is quite rare but he'll fuck you up early and his passive is hard to deal with. ga is a great buy. mr boots are ok too because of his cc, but armor may be better depending on the enemy comp. try invades if you have vision of him to get an xp adn gold lead. be careful of counter ganks cuz they'll double kill you most likely early on.
Zac is a champ thats great for ganks but is bad 1v1 and you should take advantage of that by invading early and taking his camps and going for kills. be careful when tower diving because his passive can save him while the turret kills you. he doesn't have a good escape besides his e but you can follow that if you time your q. The meme that he'll bring you to his carries for you is true most of the time but if they can one shot you while ur cc'ed try to q his r. get mr boots for sure unless they have a full ad comp.
not a problem at all. dont feed him by w his r and invade him early. if he gets ahead he'll snowball, but you'll snowball harder and make him useless. get a ga in most cases.
not a fun matchup because of his cc so get mr boots most times. you can duel him 1v1 once ahead either on xp or on gold. You can actually q his e to take 0 dmg and if you do this correctly you'll kill him every time. Invading is very good to do if you have red buff cuz his 1v1 early isn't good.
Udyr will be able to 1v1 you at all stages of the game, so play around you're team and ward your jungle to stay safe. Never try invading because he'll kill you most times. you can actually 1v1 udyr if you have the element of surprize by weighting in a bush and have a red buff. if your in a bush you can get two autos off before he gets one off. if you see him in your jungle spam ping assistance and your team should collapse for an easy kill. In team fights you shouldn't focus udyr and you should go for their low hp targets for easy resets. Udyr is actually an easy 1v1 once you're ahead.
Shyvana has the same goal as you: to farm until late game for a ton of items and xp. She does a lot of damage while in dragon form and has a lot of hp too, so just run away from her or meditate if your teamates will arive soon. Split pushing agaist shyvana is effective because you'll be able to 1v1 her easily with a fully stacked guinsoo's. invading pre 6 is a good choice but she'll likely want to steal your camps so ward you jungle heavily.
Vi is a strong pick against yi because you can't dodge her q with your q without getting knocked up and the end of the duration. if you have the element of surprize you can 1v1 her early but in team fights try not to let her cc land or else you'll 100 percent die. Instead, wait for your team to engage and follow up to shred their team. If vi's ahead do not fight her, but if you're ahead fight all you want. If you're ahead, you should look to invade her jungle and steal camps. Buying mr boots and armor items is usually good against vi.
master yi is a very easy champion, but there is good reason why some are better than others. It's all about timing in team fights. Just wait for amumu to ult in a fight before you go in, and then clean up for a penta. amumu is pretty bad without his r so look to invade and ward up his jungle to track him throughout the game.
Just W his r and you can 1v1 him at any stage in the game while on equal hp. Consider mr boots because of his cc. Early invade often work against reksai because if you're still he cant see you while under ground. look to kill him when he's taking his buff so that you can steal the buff and kill him when he's low from taking it. if a fight becomes close you should smite the jungle camp for a little hp.
Elise is a very scary matchup because of her insane early game burst and her long cc with her e. try to dodge her e with your q. dont invade elise unless you have vision of her or you have more hp with a red buff. Elise is a strong ganker so ward her jungle to keep track of her. if she hopps on to you in spider form, w the burst and then fight her. your w at rank 1 provide 60 percent damage reduction.
The biggest thing with wukong is his snowballing potential. try to stay even with him by taking camps and invading his camps. if he tries to jump on you, w his burtst and just fight him. You will win if you're even on hp, gold, and xp. In team fights, he wants to kill your backline, so dont let him get free damage on you with his r. q onto his backline and win the fight with resets and a stacked rageblade.
Olaf is strong early so dont invade and try to avoid fights by warding river when taking scuttle. Olaf falls off late game so try to get to late game by farming. Don't go full damage and instead get a ga, and another tanky item after your core is done.
Warwick is a strong counter to yi and is similar to jax in that you want to dodge his e with you're q to dodge the fear. his e also grants him a bunch of resistances so just run away when he e's. dodge his r by q-ing a minion or by runing away and then dodging toward him (this will get him mad because he wasted his r) if there are no minions and no where to dodge to, just flash his r unless you have teamates to help you.
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