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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Gift of the Drowned Ones (PASSIVE)
Pyke Passive Ability
Hi pyke players :D im a last season dia pyke otp and wanna teach you how to play pyke better. im not challanger and know anything but i can help you very good with pyke specific mechanics. check out my twitch channel i play only pyke (if he is not picked/banned) and can answer your questions if you dont understand anything in this guide :) my english skills are not the best but i try ^^
Starting items
Steel Shoulderguards: obviously u start with this support item 2 pots and a warding trinket. sometimes if i wanna go very aggressive in early game i start with sweeping item to zone and hook them better. communicate that with your adc and let him ward if u cant track the jgler ;)
Use your brain
Conclusion: Lethal Tempo looks interesting for kalista but i would prefer Press the Attack. The 12% bonus damage while pulling out the spears are very usefull and for people who arent that confident with attackmove, the high attackspeed from lethal tempo could be a bit hard to play. but its your decision which rune you prefer. but dont use fleet footwork... this rune suck hard after patch 8.11
Slot 1
Conclusion: overheal would be good too if you got a good matchup and you got the right support but i would still prefer triumph because this rune is very strong and saves you more often than you think.
Slot 2
Conclusion: most of the time Legend: Alacrity will be better but if you want to buy lifesteal pretty late Legend: Bloodline
would be decent too.
Slot 3
Conclusion: Coup de Grace is the only relevant rune for adc in the current patch.
Slot 1/2
Conclusion: I would use Eyeball Collection and Sudden Impact. Sudden Impact has a
good synergie with kalistas dashes and Eyeball Collection is just stronger than Ravenous Hunter.
+ high mobility + safe deepwarding without a big risk to die + high dmg + ez snowballing with 900 gold per ulti kill + good early and midgame + high sustain + very funny to play :D |
- useless if u are not a playmaker and risky player ;) - dead if e got interrupted - hard lategame - Squishy - hard to lane vs counters like morgana, soraka, lucian, ezreal, sivir... |
Starting items
Steel Shoulderguards: obviously u start with this support item 2 pots and a warding trinket. sometimes if i wanna go very aggressive in early game i start with sweeping item to zone and hook them better. communicate that with your adc and let him ward if u cant track the jgler ;)
Use your brain
its very good to shred tanks. |
it revive you and its fa |
if your enemies got a lot of ap damage this item is your best choice to avoid getting bursted by lb/syndra... |
combined with mobi boots and your w spell its a very good item to run down mid. ahh i mean to ward and roam faster. sry im not funny but this item is very nice on pyke. :) |
with this item you get a lot of ad. you build this item if your enemys have a big cc ability to stop your engage. it let you ward/clear wards safe without getting hit by one cc abillity and die. |
Conclusion: Lethal Tempo looks interesting for kalista but i would prefer Press the Attack. The 12% bonus damage while pulling out the spears are very usefull and for people who arent that confident with attackmove, the high attackspeed from lethal tempo could be a bit hard to play. but its your decision which rune you prefer. but dont use fleet footwork... this rune suck hard after patch 8.11
Slot 1
Conclusion: overheal would be good too if you got a good matchup and you got the right support but i would still prefer triumph because this rune is very strong and saves you more often than you think.
Slot 2
Conclusion: most of the time Legend: Alacrity will be better but if you want to buy lifesteal pretty late Legend: Bloodline
would be decent too.
Slot 3
Conclusion: Coup de Grace is the only relevant rune for adc in the current patch.
Slot 1/2
Conclusion: I would use Eyeball Collection and Sudden Impact. Sudden Impact has a
good synergie with kalistas dashes and Eyeball Collection is just stronger than Ravenous Hunter.
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