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Sion Build Guide by LeF Przez 4F

Middle Sion The Midlane Keeper [Season 8]

Middle Sion The Midlane Keeper [Season 8]

Updated on November 19, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LeF Przez 4F Build Guide By LeF Przez 4F 19,764 Views 2 Comments
19,764 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LeF Przez 4F Sion Build Guide By LeF Przez 4F Updated on November 19, 2017
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Welcome my name is LeF Przez 4F. I`m a casual league player, never really was higher than silver II due to lack of time and patience. I made this guide solely for my egoistic purpose of getting credit for this build* if it should ever get popular xD. Hoping for the opposite so i can climb with this strategy by my self.

Of course try it if u want just shhh... keep it quiet, don`t tell your parents about it or friends if you have those mythical creatures.

*[By build i mean playstyle, smite mid was a thing before but solely to have advantage in smite damage over objectives. My philosophy is about mid towers yours-alive enemy-down]

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Champion selection phase and the first few minutes of the game.

This is EXTREMELY important. When you pick a Sion with Smite and Teleport on midlane it creates QUESTIONS. Don`t get provoked by them for all costs. [do the following steps exactly or it wont work] Just pick the Runes, the champ, Alt+Tab away, type "Funny cats videos" in to a search engine of your choosing and let it consume you.
Even seeing the questions can get you in trouble
After spawning immediately type "/mute all" and keep it that way until 5 minutes.
Then just type "/mute all" again and you "should" be fine.
Congrats the hardest part is behind you.
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Creeping / Jungling

Your smite is not really neccesary to farm until 3rd wave. So i like to utilize it in two ways.

1. If your jungler starts blue - smite the buff behind the wall as soon as it appears and go back to lane. If he starts red - suggest to clear chickens first and give him a hand with a loaded W and smite. [The jungler will love you for that, dont let him love you to much because you dont really need or want ganks. The enemy will countergank and interrupt your calm lane phase. You do not want that - it is a great danger to your Onii chan - The Tower].

2. If u suspect that the enemy jungler will start red go check it. If he is not at Blue clear the buff with your smite and your passive. [Don,t worry your death is just a number and if your zombie form is the one to last hit you will respawn with the buff] Then just teleport to your lane and spam the enemy to death.
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Farming and Laning

Early farming with this strategy is difficult but you will get used to it.
Mainly you farm with your E. Two E`s should clear a wave if used correctly.
if a minion is far away you can always smite it. You can miss creeps if it is not safe for you to slap them. After lvl 3 you should focus to poke the enemy with E from a safe distance. This will earn you some gold due to spellthief`s passive and you will easily get them to half health. Then farming is easy and they know you are the boss here.

Some enemies will underestimate you, shame for them because you ve got a lot of base damage.
Spank them for that shamefull underestimation but don`t get your self killed diving the tower thats not your job. You should not care for kills, of course if they give it to you on a golden plate where you just need to fart KILL.

The goal for you as The Keeper of Midlane is of course keeping your first tower in tact.
That is my religion behind this strategy. Mid is the shortest lane and in 90% of cases every lost tower on midlane is another step to losing the game.

Unsealed Spellbook

About 10 min in to the game you can start using the shards to change the summoners.




Change is not necessary but in my opinion Flash is very good on Sion.
When being chased by a lot of enemys flashing into a bush without vison and instantly loading a full Q in their direction has turned many games around for me.
Smite can also stay but i prefer tp for protection of my lane.

Keeping Tip 1

You can launch away the enemy Herold with your E, if done correctly the Herold will not touch the tower.

Keeping Tip 2

Some enemies will organize them self and come with a great number. Your team will not always help you. Save the Q for someone to get tower aggro this can get you many no effort-kills trust me.
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