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Skarner Build Guide by Smoka

Skarner - (Closed)

Skarner - (Closed)

Updated on October 12, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Smoka Build Guide By Smoka 7,214 Views 6 Comments
7,214 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Smoka Skarner Build Guide By Smoka Updated on October 12, 2011
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Note: This guide is at rework.

First off this is my first guide so I will accept the criticisms.

I recommend playing Skarner as a Offensive Tank. You could choose to play solo top or to jungle in ranked.

I always bring a flash because Skarner has no escape spells, Running a Ghost / Flash could work well. I bring teleport because I always post wards and it makes my life easier to teleport to them.

Recommended Spells:

Cleanse: with bansh / qss you won't need it
Exhaust: Why? Red buffs / Rylals Crystal is all you need
Heal: The Hextech gunblade - Lifesteal / spell vamp
Clarity: You will never need clarity late game
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I know my build is a very costly build but it mostly depends on the opponents team composition.

Why did I choose my build?
Mercury Treads - Helpful all around especially with the tenacity.

LB or Triforce- Sheen will help a lot, and especially the movement sepeed.

Ryl. Scepter: The ability power / health will help you stay in lane and you will easily slow them with your Q.

GA: Gives a little bit of armour and mage resist, good for late game fights, you don't need to be worry about tanking the fights because it will revive you, and make you look scary. You want to make them blow off your Angel and waste there ult's and Cc's on you.

Wits End / Gunblade - IMO they are an optional item, you could fill it in with a rage blade because your Q is spammable and etc.

Optional items:

Frozen Heart - Great against heavy AD teams and the mana will help you stay in lanes
Lich Bane - I wouldn't recommend it but against AP teams, sure
Bansh / QSS - I mainly use QSS over Bansh. because it is cheaper and will save me money for other items.
RBlade - A Decent item when stacked on Skarner
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Smoka
Smoka Skarner Guide
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Skarner - (Closed)

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