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Kha'Zix Build Guide by Saayeel aKa ftwcArn

Assassin Slice Them Apart [A Challenger Kha'Zix Jungle Guide Pre-Seas

Assassin Slice Them Apart [A Challenger Kha'Zix Jungle Guide Pre-Seas

Updated on January 12, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Saayeel aKa ftwcArn Build Guide By Saayeel aKa ftwcArn 128,570 Views 1 Comments
128,570 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Saayeel aKa ftwcArn Kha'Zix Build Guide By Saayeel aKa ftwcArn Updated on January 12, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hello summoners, myself Saayeel alias incArnatioN. I play on South East Asia(Sg/My IGN: incArnatioN) and also on EU Wests (IGN - incArnațioN). I was Season 3 Gold and currently Challenger. This is my first Guide about Jungle Kha'Zix. Being nerfed so many times, he is still a God. People call Kha'Zix an useless low tier jungler but you'd never know how overpowered he is.

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Pros / Cons

Pros :

[*] High Damage
[*] Huge burst on Isolated Targets
[*] Resets with evolved Leap
[*] Potential of carrying in solo queue.

Cons :

[*] No CC except Void Spike & Unseen Threat
[*] Countered by Pink Wards.
[*] Farm/Kills Dependent.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

- Max Taste Their Fear for damage. [Recommended]
- Max Void Spike for sustain.
- Max Leap for reduced CD.However it won't help you as much as maxing Q or W will help.

Evolution order :

Taste Their Fear > Leap > Void Spike or Void Assault
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Ability Explaination

  • Unseen Threat : When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat. Unseen Threat causes his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal bonus magic damage and slow by 25% for 2 seconds.

  • Taste Their Fear (Q): PASSIVE: Kha'Zix marks enemies that are isolated from their allies.

    ACTIVE: Kha'Zix slashes, dealing physical damage to a single enemy. If the target was isolated, the damage dealt is increased by 30%.

    Evolution: Increases range of Taste Their Fear and autoattacks by 50. Additionally, Taste Their Fear now deals an additional 10*Champion level damage (10/20/30...170/180).

  • Void Spike (W): Kha'Zix fires a cluster of spikes in a line that explode on contact with an enemy, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies and slowing them by 20% for 2 seconds. Kha'Zix is healed if he is within the explosion radius. Also the damage is increased against monsters by 20%.

    Evolution: Enhances Void Spike to fire three spikes in a cone and increases the slow to 50%. Multiple explosions upon the same enemy do not deal extra damage. Enemies hit by it are also revealed for 2 seconds.

  • Leap (E): Kha'Zix leaps to an area, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies upon landing.

    Evolution: Increases Leap's range by 300, and causes kills and assists scored by Kha'Zix to refresh Leap's cooldown.

  • Void Assault (R): PASSIVE: Each rank of Void Assault allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his abilities, granting it an additional effect.

    ACTIVE: Kha'Zix enters stealth for 1 second, gaining 40% bonus movement speed and ignores unit collision while stealthed. Unseen Threat is also granted (even if Kha'Zix is revealed through stealth). Void Assault can be cast a second time within 10 seconds at no cost.

    Evolution: Allows Void Assault to be cast up to three times and stealth duration increased by 1 second.
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The Pre-Season(Season 6) Jungle changes has resulted in jungling path changes too.

When you are on Blue side :
  • Start with Ancient Krug(Golems) with the help of your botlane and smite it which makes you level 2 and will grant you Gift of Heavy Hands for 60 seconds, causing every 5th basic attack to stun minions and monsters.
  • Do Red Brambleback.
  • Go back and buy Hunters Potion.[You'd have around 250g]
  • Do Blue sentinel and smite it.
  • Keep an eye on each lane. If every lane is fine and is pushed by enemy laner, you have to farm until you get a chance to counter gank. Make sure you secure Rift Scuttler which helps with its movement speed to counter gank on time.
  • Ganking lanes is easy when pushed by enemy laner. You have a reliable slow with Unseen Threat, great gap closer with Leap and you deal a lot of damage, to add to it. If the enemy laner got a dash, jump or teleport like ability and if they use their escapes you can burn their Flash by just using Leap & Taste Their Fear mid air to scare them. Then you just have to go another round with their abilities on cooldown to kill them with your laner.

    After you get Void Assault ganking is more easier.Once you use Void Assault, they won't know about you ganking them. Just slice them with the help of your ally laner once out of stealth.
When you are on Purple Side :

  • Start with Gromp with the help of your botlane and smite it which makes you level 2 and will grant Gift of the Toadstool for 90 seconds, which poisons enemies who attack you: dealing 39 + (3 × level) magic damage over 3 seconds.
  • Do Blue Sentinel
  • Go back and buy Hunters Potion.[You'd have around 250g]
  • Do Red Brambleback and smite it.
  • Keep an eye on each lane. If every lane is fine and is pushed by enemy laner, you have to farm until you get a chance to counter gank. Make sure you secure Rift Scuttler which helps with its movement speed to counter gank on time.
  • Ganking lanes is easy when pushed by enemy laner. You have a reliable slow with Unseen Threat, great gap closer with Leap and you deal a lot of damage, to add to it. If the enemy laner got a dash, jump or teleport like ability and if they use their escapes you can burn their Flash by just using Leap & Taste Their Fear mid air to scare them. Then you just have to go another round with their abilities on cooldown to kill them with your laner.

Remember even jungler monsters get isolated. So clear the small ones first so the big one gets isolated hence clearing jungle quickly.

Dealing with Invades

Warding totem on your jungle is good at the expense of losing out on cleaning up wards.
Counter jungle back. If they're fond of your jungle camps, it means that they're ignoring their own. Go after them.

Otherwise, ward your jungle and try to get your teammates to help, it should be free kills if you can see them marching into your jungle and can react accordingly, the enemy jungle is taking a huge risk stepping foot in your turf, but if you let them get away with it, they're going to control everything, and that's bad.


As an assassin, your role is to kill the enemy carries. But think before you use Leap knowing your team is going to follow up on time or not as a small mistake costs the game.Moreover mid game Kha'Zix is a bit squishy. Once the teamfight as started, you have to Leap into the fed carry using your combo (Q+W) and later using Void Assault to avoid getting focusing for 1 second. Once 1 enemy is killed and you get 1 assist of it[Evolved Void Spike), Leap on another carry as you get reset and hence clean the enemy team.
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Kha'Zix is a very fun to play champ as his Leap reset enables you to bunny hop and slice the enemy team 1 by 1. But think before you perform every move. I'd like to share some tips too:
  • Mecha Kha'Zix has a special sound effect when the enemy is isolated. So if the enemy is isolated and you'll hear a beeping sound giving you an indication to beep boop him.
  • Double Jump is an useful method which helps to clean faster. Watch this video below

    [PS: Its not created by me]

That's all folks. Hope you liked my guide.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Saayeel aKa ftwcArn
Saayeel aKa ftwcArn Kha'Zix Guide
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Slice Them Apart [A Challenger Kha'Zix Jungle Guide Pre-Seas

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