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Vi Build Guide by xHeisenburger

Smash and Grab (Vi) by xHeisenburger 4.16

Smash and Grab (Vi) by xHeisenburger 4.16

Updated on September 21, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xHeisenburger Build Guide By xHeisenburger 2,224 Views 0 Comments
2,224 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xHeisenburger Vi Build Guide By xHeisenburger Updated on September 21, 2014
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Hey guys, this is my first guide, so don't be too rough on me. I've played Vi ever since I started playing this game. Wish I could give you a timeframe but I honestly don't remember when I started. The team I played with needed a jungler so they taught me the game and stuck me with Warwick. After doing research Vi popped out to me, her kit looked awesome, and she had a high-impact ultimate similar to Warwick. Ever since then I've been trying different things with her. Vi is one of the best solo-que junglers. She's great at dueling, ganking, and counter-jungling. Her ganks are fantastic Pre-6 and post-6. Her ultimate, Assault and Battery, can completely lock down a target, and it cannot be interrupted (But you can be killed while ulting, so be wary.) Assault and Battery will go through unless you lose your target. (Fizz Troll Pole, Zed Shadow, Vlad Pool etc.) With Vi, you generally want to engage the teamfight by locking down the highest priority target on the enemy team, from there out your team should be able to kill the target and put themselves in a better position. I will be adding to this guide with more sections as I see fit, so if there's anything you'd like to see, let me know. Thanks!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xHeisenburger
xHeisenburger Vi Guide
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