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ahri can constantly pressure lane, she got better wave clear and can focus down your turrets while hiding behind cs. Slightly favoured ahri super scary lvl6 allin if jungler joins.
buy pink ward to have in lane ggez no re.
anivia after lvl5 is game over, you are now pushed into your own turret and can't win trade and don't have any turrets. tips: try to spread turrets and just farm under turret ward as much as you can and farm untill you get banner of command.
not that scary until lvl6 where she can kill you if jungler gets a good gank. just keep track of flash and tibbers and you should be fine.
Farm lane, don't trade unless you are very experienced its just easier to farm than try to trade and fail. Use ult granade + W to kill him if your jungler comes to gank.
scary matchup from lvl1 and gets better after banner of command.
dodge knock up and place turrets on the sides so cho cant use his spikes to chunk them.
corki is a skill matchup favoured slightly to him. farm lane or poke him down if he is bad.
just dont get pulled by darius and keep harassing him, dont allin him when he is full health wait for him to get low health and then you can dive him in turret if you have the balls :) just ult R and then E + W.
you should win just poke and dodge as many q's as possible.
Dr. Mundo
dodge q and just push him under turret. You can't kill him but he can't kill you if you hide behind cs. place turrets behind your cs so he cant q them.
spread turrets and dont get stunned and you should win.
plave turrets behind cs. skill matchup.
easy early, scary late. if you miss your stunn and fiora still got dash up you are in truble.
scary after lvl 6. Be carefull just get asap banner of command and push him under turret.
nobody plays this champ, just farm and poke.
gp can os your turrets mid game, hard matchup because gp can orange your stun so just poke and focus on farm.
unkillable garen :(
skill matchup. just be carfull for his ult, don't stand close to a wall when he has ult up.
you should win...
kinda hard matchup because graves can focus your turrets and you cant build banner of command.
hecarim got a scary allin, try to poke him down so when he ults in you can ult R and stun him.
just stand behind cs and poke! poke! poke!
pretty easy before she hits lvl5 after that just farm and dont allin, you will most likely loose. Just farm.
Jarvan IV
scary allin.
just push him in, but be carefull for lvl3 gank superstrong gank potential.
skill matchup
karma can shit on your turrets.
khartus can shit on your turrets, banner of command isnt that strong vs him but its still the best item. If you play vs a good khartusplayer its gg :/
you should win, just push him under turret so he cant roam. And as always buy lots of wards.
spread turrets and use ult E when she shunpo ult.
kayle can shit on your turrets, just farm and you should do good lategame.
kennen :/ scary after lvl6 just farm and be safe. if he ult flashes he can stun and kill you.
stand behind minions and try to not get hit by her w. keep track of w cooldown just push lane hard, build banner of command and gg ez no re.
skill matchup, spread turrets in teamfights and be patient with your ult.
if you play vs cabochard's lucian top you get assblasted so hard you want to unintall your brain. even vs a bad lucian it's annoying :( its probably then only lane that can freeze vs heimerdinger.
dodge her q, keep poking her down you will outsubstain lulu, and after banner of command its over.
favoured for lux, spread turrets and farm/poke. dont get hit by her q.
just farm and push lane hard until you get banner of command. Use your flash if he ults you.
he can shit on your turrets and banner of command is useless vs him.
nobody plays mao.
Master Yi
ur fcked. just farm under turret entire game.
nobody plays morde, but just poke him and push him under turret.
farm lane, just spread turrets and dodge q. If she starts to ult you flash before it binds you because she can r bind + w + q and kill you.
just push under turret and don't worry about him getting free farm under tower, not much you can do anyway.
same as nasus.
Nunu & Willump
congratulation you are now perma slowed and your ult turret is useless. just farm...
scary scary matchup. entire laningphase is tenser than ur mom. if an axe lands he can chase you down. ward ask your mid to ward your jungler because if you get axed and ganked ur dead. flash before axe hits even if you are 100% health and just pray to lord chutulu that you will not get camped.
ori can shit on your turrets, but i guess its a skillmatchup.
scary lvl 3 allin, scary after lvl6 keep track of his ult!!!
start raptors when you go top since toplaner will go krugs. and start wolves when you go mid since the buff from wolves are better and its harder for midlane to cheese your lvl1 camp on wolves.
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