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Runes: The Special ;))))
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order The RIGHT moveset path
Darkness Rise (PASSIVE)
Mordekaiser Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This i think is by far mordes hardest lane. Kayle does way too much damage over time, and has antiburst for 3 seconds, which is conveniently the length of mordes q and w (yes w is 4 seconds, but it still negates most of the damage). Once you get to late, kayle will focus you down and murder you.
The tried and true. Get this for your support and you basically win lane as long as he can hit a hook. Even hooking the support is ok here cause you do so much damage that you can kill them.
The tried and true. Get this for your support and you basically win lane as long as he can hit a hook. Even hooking the support is ok here cause you do so much damage that you can kill them.
Champion Build Guide
Alright. So listen up closely here.
Here's the deal.
Lv. 1: You take E level one and poke harass the enemy laner.
Lv. 2: Get W second, but dont spam it. Use it whenever they walk close and attempt to trade. DONT GET JG GANKED.
Lv. 3: You get q. Unless its some of the aforementioned "extreme threats", you win the laning phase.
Lv. 4-10: You now have 2 points in w. You can now 2v1 the enemy jg and your laner cause your healing now isnt ****. Keep in mind, you have to know how to 2v1 in order TO 2v1. Dont go 2v1ing just cause you think you can, you'll die. This is also the time you learn the Morde Special combo.
You Q1 on minions,start w right before Q2 on minions, and flash 3rd q, w pop, e, ignite, ult, in that order. This combo does 350-400 damage level 4, and once you have ult it does about 700-800, maybe more with ignite.
Lv. 11: 2 points in ult means your combo does some decent damage now.
Lv. 12-14: Nothing special here, but when you get liandrys, your combo can now full hp murder people.
Lv. 14-18: You will start falling off, but nothing really changes in terms of playstyle other than you having to be really careful.
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