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Ability Order
The Darkin Scythe (PASSIVE)
Kayn Passive Ability
So, You Want to go Fast?
(No promises of actual max-speed Kayn, but more like max-useful/speed Kayn)
Don't like supporting with those weaker, slower champs?
Don't like healing, or helping your team?
Now, here's how to Support Kayn.
In lane, you're going to start by hitting your W as much as possible against the ADC. You can hit the support too, if they give you sweet blue koolaid.
That's it.
Honestly your main goal here is to get Shadow Assassin as fast as possible. Use your slow to defend your ADC against ganks. Maintain your HP by picking up blue coins and using your 'Physics be damned' wall walking to traverse the nearest wall.
If you get Darkin Kayn, immediately rush a redemption and build full tank. You goofed everything. Absolutely unacceptable.
That's it.
Honestly your main goal here is to get Shadow Assassin as fast as possible. Use your slow to defend your ADC against ganks. Maintain your HP by picking up blue coins and using your 'Physics be damned' wall walking to traverse the nearest wall.
If you get Darkin Kayn, immediately rush a redemption and build full tank. You goofed everything. Absolutely unacceptable.
Once you hit shadow assassin, immediately abandon your ADC because you have now become twice as important as them. Take farm, steal kills, whatever you want. You need to get FAT STACKS.
To achieve max speed, you first want to channel Predator and get that off. You can flank rather hard with this. Then, here's what you should input.
Ghost -> Talisman -> E -> (STEP INTO WALL) -> Mercurial
If you can, get close enough to pop everything, then pop Merc RIGHT BEFORE you engage. The burst of speed will up your AD to ridiculous amounts for your build. Your first hit should be a basic attack, so they feel the full force of your AD, before throwing your W if they flash, Q, then Ult. If that doesn't kill them, welp.
At least you were fast.
To achieve max speed, you first want to channel Predator and get that off. You can flank rather hard with this. Then, here's what you should input.
Ghost -> Talisman -> E -> (STEP INTO WALL) -> Mercurial
If you can, get close enough to pop everything, then pop Merc RIGHT BEFORE you engage. The burst of speed will up your AD to ridiculous amounts for your build. Your first hit should be a basic attack, so they feel the full force of your AD, before throwing your W if they flash, Q, then Ult. If that doesn't kill them, welp.
At least you were fast.
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