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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Power Chord (PASSIVE)
Sona Passive Ability
So Why Sona?
Sona is a great support champion. So far, I have had the best experiences with Sona 'Building' Aura's, as late game it tends to make a huge difference. Her Hymn of Valor and Aria of Perseverance coupled with the Aura's from Aegis of the Legion, Will of the Ancients and Zeke's Herald extremely useful in a team fight, where all four team-mates benefit.
Sona 101
To start, you Do Not Last Hit Minions
The idea behind support Sona is to:
- Allow your carry to have all of the CS
- Clairvoyance constantly to offer your team some vision
- Constantly place Sight Wards to prevent/create ganks, and create all-round map control
- And for God's sake. You don't build AP.
Your role is to flutter around bottom lane (generally bottom lane), buffing your partner, warding and occasionally poking the enemy team. During the Laning Phase that is, but we'll get to that.
As I would say these are the most useless masteries in the tree, so change them as you see necessary.
Possible mastery trees can be made, such that: ____________________________________________________________________________
Possible mastery trees can be made, such that: ____________________________________________________________________________
This is my most common Runes setup. It allows for a bit more defensive early game Sona, yet still accounts for gold and Sona's lacking mana early-game.
Greater Glyph of Replenishment |
I use these instead of mana regen per level, as I find that early game is when Sona struggles with mana. Late game it's advisable to get blue buff so that you can really go to town with the 'QWE' mash, although once you build Shurelya's Battlesong, mana is pretty easy to work with.
Pretty simple choice, helps to bring in the $$$ an extra
Quintessence of Health at level one make a huge difference on Sona if she is targeted in a pre-game fight. It just might give you enough time to Flash/ Hymn of Valor/ Power Chord the enemy.
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